
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Yes, the Victims of Homofascism are Real & They’re Piling Up

Obama Gay and Mooch-L a Tranny

Last week, two victims of the homofascist left's Draconian "sexual orientation" laws received a standing ovation from the packed crowd at the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C.
Todd Starnes of Fox News reported earlier this year:
A family-owned Christian bakery, under investigation for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, has been forced to close its doors after a vicious boycott by militant homosexual activists.

Sweet Cakes By Melissa posted a message on its Facebook page alerting customers that their Gresham, Ore., retail store would be shut down after months of harassment from pro-gay marriage forces.

"Better is a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways," read a posting from Proverbs on the bakery's Facebook page. 

"It's a sad day for Christian business owners, and it's a sad day for the First Amendment," owner Aaron Klein told Starnes. "The LGBT attacks are the reason we are shutting down the shop. They have killed our business through mob tactics."
Continued the report:
Last January, Aaron and Melissa Klein made national headlines when they refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.

Klein tells me he has nothing against homosexuals, but because of their religious faith, the family simply cannot take part in gay wedding events.

"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman,' he said. 'I don't want to help somebody celebrate a commitment to a lifetime of sin." 

To be sure, Mr. Klein did not "discriminate" against the lesbian couple because of their "sexual orientation." If that same lesbian couple ordered a birthday cake that didn't require the endorsement of a repugnant message or event, Mr. Klein would, no doubt, be happy to serve. He and his wife said as much and indicated, in fact, that their lesbian harasser was a repeat customer.
What if the lesbian's straight brother came in and ordered the "gay wedding" cake as a surprise for his sister? If Mr. Klein refused, would he be guilty of discrimination because of the brother's heterosexual "orientation"?
Of course not. And neither is he guilty here.

If a black man entered the store and ordered a birthday cake for his son, and Mr. Klein refused because of the customer's race, then that would be unlawful discrimination. If that same black man ordered a "Kill Whitey" cake for a Black Panthers rally, and Klein refused, it would not be discrimination. The latter scenario is analogous to Mr. Klein's and other Christian business owners' refusal to provide services for "gay weddings" and similar such events (photographers, printers, bakers, florists and the like). The former scenario is not.
Would we charge a Muslim caterer with discrimination for refusing to serve Honey Baked Ham and BLTs at a decidedly unkosher bar mitzvah?

Then why are we charging Christians with discrimination for refusing to endorse a message or event that Christianity itself finds expressly repugnant – that the Bible calls "an abomination"?
This young Christian couple with five children now faces $150,000 in fines and legal fees and potential bankruptcy with no source of income.

Seriously, you "gay" activists – and other George-Orwell-characters-come-to-life like Brad Avakian – need to lighten up and take a step back. (Avakian is Oregon's Labor Commissioner. He filed charges against the Kleins.) You're not helping your cause. Christians aren't "discriminating" against you because of your "sexual orientation." We just refuse to endorse sinful lifestyles, behaviors, messages or events. And guess what. It's our constitutional right to do so. The First Amendment trumps your newfangled "sexual orientation non-discrimination laws."
Yet even if it didn't, God's law supersedes man's law.
Every time.

These are just two victims of the homofascist war on Christianity. These are real people with real lives and, now, very real troubles. Make no mistake, there will be many more victims just like the Kleins until America stands up and demands a return to religious liberty guaranteed by our founding documents. The left needs to get this through its thick skull. Many Christians simply refuse to disobey the just laws of God in order to obey the unjust (and invalid) laws of corrupt men, women and, well, whatever.
Watch Melissa Klein's emotional testimony at last week's Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C.: 



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