Message from Elias Alias, editor, to full membership:
I've pasted in a couple of paragraphs from the posting at our national
website which just was published minutes ago. Please go to our site to
read our most recent update on the border situation.
Teaser paragraphs:
special import was the tonnage of info provided by Lyle Rapacki of
Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC, in Phoenix, Arizona. I enjoyed
meeting Lyle when he supported the Oath Keepers march/muster at
Quartzsite, Arizona, back in 2011. He provided security for the two
State legislators who marched with us there. A strong Oath Keeper, Lyle
has great sources in unusual places and sends advisory updates to keep
Oath Keepers national apprised of nefarious goings-on by
Govlish-tainted public servants who've forgotten for whom they work.
we are learning is that this massive importation of children and
youths is not a "Freak of Accident", did not just "happen
spontaneously", but is a well-planned move by the Federal government
(and the UN too? - possibly!) in conjunction with State governments and
the US military. Implications are being ratcheted up as we dig deeper
into this situation. This is growing bigger and bigger as we learn more
day by day. It is also growing in import, because it is becoming
apparent that the government has planned this - and if that can be
proven we'll have quite a mess throughout the Federal government,
starting with the White House.
read entire piece, including your friendly editor's "true confession",
apology, and update about my personal life circumstances, which may
explain why I've been a bit spotty with my work. It has a happy ending,
so I want to invite all members and friends to read the whole article at
our national website. Comments may be a bit slow in getting posted, but
please do leave your comments under the article in the comment section.
Thank you all so very much!
Salute! Elias Alias, editor
circu |
Keepers is growing FAST, but like General Patton, we are outpacing
our own supply lines. Your donations are "fuel" for our advance! If
you would like to support the Oath Keepers vital mission to teach the
current serving about their oath and about the Constitution so they
will stand firm and do what is right, and our second mission to remind
veterans of their oath and obligations:
Please click the PayPal image below to donate.
 If you would like to mail your donation:
Make checks payable to: OathKeepers
Mail to: Oath Keepers 5130 S. Fort Apache suite 215 Las Vegas, NV 89148
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