oped: I hope the information supplied will lead you on a quest to search out Alternative/Homeopathic/Holistic treatments vs the non productive and harmful traditional only treatments...also maybe there is a good side effect of the disaster called Obamacare...the denial of expensive and non productive chemo/radiation treatments causing one to seek out non traditional care with far greater and cheaper results! Some of the holistic/homeopathic herbs showing tremendous results are tumeric,ginger,EDTA,horny goat weed,cayenne pepper,hawthorn extract,apple cider vinegar,and the simple lemon...they cannot be patented thus they are shunned by Big Pharms and the elite Medical profession...no big profits to be had!
Radiation and Chemo damage respiratory enzymes in healthy cells, and overload them with toxins, so they become more likely to develop into cancer. The immune system becomes further compromised, and the underlying cancer causing conditions are worsened, not improved. This is followed by the cancer typically returning for a second time (within 5 years), unless you make dramatic physical, emotional and dietary changes to support the health of your body.
Western Medicine Cancer Protocol - Cut, Poison and Burn the Body.
Hair falls out, brain cells are fried, skin is burnt, immune system is shattered.
Long term damage often includes secondary cancer, infertility and sterility.
The percentage of Americans dying from cancer in 2004 was about the same as it was in 1970. You've heard the old adage about cancer: hopefully the cancer won't kill you before the cancer cure does. The grim statistics on survival rates confirm that conventional chemo and radiation are not getting very far with the vast majority of cancers.
Providing an effective holistic cancer treatment is what the EuroMed Foundation is about. If you would like to find out more about your cancer treatment options, request your free personal orientation to our services. One of our doctors will be happy to answer all of your questions in person or over the phone.
The Drawbacks of Traditional Cancer Treatment
In conventional cancer treatments, the body is bombarded with a large dose of toxicity – drugs and often radiation. This method harms the immune system, which makes it difficult to truly deliver a cancer cure. People struggle with the nausea and go bald from the toxicity of the drugs; this doesn't improve the quality of life much either.In 1986, the McGill Cancer Center scientists surveyed 118 oncologists who specialized in lung cancer. They were asked if they would take chemo if they developed lung cancer. Three-quarters replied they would not.
It has long been acknowledged that the type of radiation used in the 1960s and 1970s elevated women's risk of subsequent cardiovascular disease. So many women were dying of the long-term adverse effects that it more or less counterbalanced any survival benefit from the treatment itself.
However, it is now said the newer forms of radiation minimize this sort of heart damage. To those of us who work with alternative medicine for cancer treatment, this did not ring true. Sure enough, a large and prolonged study by the Netherlands Cancer Institute showed that modern radiation also increases the risk of heart disease in women who receive it following surgery for breast cancer. Study results were published March 7, 2007, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI).
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On Conventional Cancer Treatment
If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.Professor Georges Mathé, French cancer specialist
THE TREATMENT OF CANCER AND DEGENERATIVE DISEASES IS A NATIONAL SCANDAL. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.
Dr. Allan Greenberg on 12/24/2002
Stanford University doctors compared the effects of chemotherapy to doing nothing in patients with slow-growing tumors of the lymph nodes. The patients whose treatment was deferred for years did just as well as patients who immediately received expensive and unpleasant chemotherapy. Nineteen of the 83 (or 23%) experienced spontaneous remission lasting four months to six years. A review of the study in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded, "...deferring treatment ... may allow for spontaneous regression of the disease."
"Cheating Fate," Health, April 6, 1992
Medical study shows: untreated patients live up to 4 times longer than those who received conventional cancer therapy
"My studies have proved conclusively that cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy and radiation actually live up to FOUR TIMES LONGER THAN TREATED CASES...Beyond a shadow of a doubt, radical surgery on cancer does more harm than good...As for radiation treatment -- most of the time it makes not the slightest difference whether the machine is turned on or not. ...unfortunately, it seems to be only a question of time, usually, before the disease pops up again all over the body... Every cancer patient who keeps in excellent physical shape may have many good years left. The alternative is to squander those years as an invalid through radical medical intervention, which has zero chance of extending life. ...It's utter nonsense to claim that catching cancer symptoms early enough will increase the patient's chances of survival... Furthermore, untreated breast cancer cases show a life expectancy four times longer than treated ones. ~ My wife and I have discussed what she would do if breast cancer was diagnosed in her. And we both agreed that she would do nothing as regards to treatment, except to keep as healthy as possible. I guarantee she would live longer!"
Dr. Hardin Jones, prominent cancer researcher & former physiology professor at the University of California Department of Medical Physics, who has been studying cancer for more than 23 years, travelling the world to collect data on the dreaded disease. Published in Transactions, New York Academy of Science, series 2, v.18, n.3, p. 322.
Chemotherapy and radiation can increase the risk of developing a second cancer by up to 100 times, according to Dr. Samuel S. Epstein.
Congressional Record, Sept. 9, 1987
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... "chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment.
... Meanwhile, dirt cheap substances like turmeric and ginger have consistently been found to effectively shrink tumors and combat the spread of cancer. In a review of 11 studies, it was found that turmeric use reduced brain tumor size by a shocking 81%." - naturalsociety.com
1) The Royal College of Radiologists conducted an extensive study reviewing any and all published peer-reviewed clinical trials across the United States involving the use of chemotherapy treatment from January 1990 to January 2004. The combined total percentage of 5-year survival rates in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy - covering 22 different types of malignancies - was a mere 2.1%.
Read the study for yourself, which includes over 15 different types of cancer:
Chemotherapy drugs are cytotoxic, meaning they poison the cells in our body that multiply the most rapidly, which is how the majority of cancer cells perform. Chemo drugs however don't just kill the cancer cells that are dividing, but any dividing cell, including the multitude of healthy cells all over the body caught in the act of dividing. For those whose 'healthy' cells are multiplying faster than the cancer cells, there isn't even a theoretical chance of success. This explains why chemotherapy is effective in only 2 to 4% of cancers - primarily, Hodgkins disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Testicular cancer, and Choriocarcinoma.
For the majority of people who have healthy cell division, you may end up killing the body before the cancer. For instance, there is a high probability that certain fast multiplying immune system cells including our T and B lymphocytes will also die, contributing to our body's inability to fight opportunistic diseases that arise as a result of the treatment. Other cells that grow fast are cells of the bone marrow that produce blood cells, cells in the stomach and intestines, and cells of the hair follicles, which is why a patient's hair usually falls out. - extract from: www.whale.to/cancer/barron.html
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