
Friday, April 4, 2014

Liberals Ignore Islam's War on Women

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For decades the progressive left has unleashed upon the American people "the thought police" and "the word police." Recently we heard of the move to ban the word "bossy." A move that quite frankly sounds very "bossy." Who are these people who think they can tell everyone else what to do, what to say or what to think?
Now we hear from a group called CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations), that they are the official "logic police" of the new left. But unlike the Dale Carnegie book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” they seem bent on doing just the opposite, offending people's sense of decency and intellect and twisting logic into the arbitrary whims of their spin machine.

After reading CAIR's press release and hearing their spokeswoman speak on Fox news, it's clear what CAIR believes, which is this:
Speaking out against violence towards Muslim women makes you an Islamophobe.
Speaking out against genital mutilation of adolescent Muslim girls makes you Islamophobic.
Speaking out against forced marriages in Muslim majority countries makes you Islamophobic.
Speaking out against wife beating in Muslim families makes you Islamophobic.
Speaking out against forced dress codes and coverings for women makes you Islamophobic.
Speaking out against those who censor free speech that exposes evil makes you Islamophobic.
Speaking out against "honor" violence and "honor" killings of wives and daughters makes you Islamophobic.
While I'm not in the business of giving advice to those whose interests are not mine and not that of my country, I can say with absolute certitude that CAIR isn't making any friends or influencing any people with their claims regarding this new documentary, “Honor Diaries,” a movie that exposes the brutality towards women within Islam under the guise of "honor." This honor violence and the honor killings are nothing new. The documented costs are evidenced by the 125 million Muslim women and girls who had their identity and humanity ripped from them by a totalitarian ideology that believes in forced genital (mutilation) circumcision. 60 million women and girls have been forced into marriages and upwards of 5,000 per year according to the UN are killed in the name of "honor."

Watch Trailer:

What CAIR is doing is hijacking this issue in order to promote themselves and kill the movie. They are too proud to be ashamed. And why would they be? In 2007 they were named un-indicted co-conspirators in a case accusing the Holy Land Foundation of providing funds to terror groups such as Hamas. So while they claim to be outraged at the treatment of women and girls in Islam, they don't want a single person to see this film. All the more reason to buy it or go see it for yourself.
Having long ago dumped cable television for the "On Demand" alternatives, I no longer waste my evenings (as much as I'd like to) sitting in front of the television listening to others debate the fate of our civilization while talking over the top of each other. However, it came to my attention that a one, Megyn Kelly, star hostess of Fox news, did a masterful job defending the film "Honor Diaries" from the fringe who would label it Islamophobic. They oppose the film for one reason and one reason only: it exposes the brutality done to Muslim women in the name of Islam. Megyn, whose beauty is only surpassed by her fierce tenacity for honesty and truth, is always on her game keeping her guests in the universe of rational thought and never allowing them to plant their feet illogically in midair, no matter how hard they might try. And try they do.
This debate is truly an amazing spectacle. The tactics of CAIR are to engage in extreme vitriolic slanderous criticism, labeling the opposition as immoral, dehumanizing them, then quickly turning the tables with a second pronged narrative claiming victimhood and hiding behind a cowardly defense of Islam, the religion. They fight as political Islam, but hide behind the shield of religion.

Zeinab Khan who appears in "Honor Diaries" says of CAIR's campaign to censor the film, “It’s completely dangerous and shows their mode of operation: bullying, scapegoating, censoring, avoiding issues.”
CAIR could be showering the film with praise for its raising awareness to the plight of so many Muslim women and children, whose pre-teen girls are grotesquely forced into marriages with men who are the age of their fathers and grandfathers.
But if Muhammad married six year old Aisha and consummated that marriage when she became nine, then what is a Muslim man to do -- if the highest calling is to live a life worthy of the prophet? And yet, there are human beings still today so callous to this evil -- that they would not only stoop to defend it -- they will tell you and me we are "phobic" of their "way."
CAIR has apparently convinced several Universities to cancel or postpone the showing of the film. Why would you do such a thing when the film exposes such evil? CAIR claims that they have no issue with the content of the film, only with the Jewishness and hateful intentions of the producers. Did I just hear an anti-Semitic dog whistle? Well, well, well, so the producers are Jewish, so the film must be all lies, is that it? Don't you just love the logic?
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The CAIR spokeswoman on Fox (interestingly clever tactical move putting a woman on the show) claimed that the film was not censored, it was pulled because each of the schools found out about the extreme views of the producers and decided to shut down the showings themselves. Seriously? Since when do we viewers do background checks on the producers of a film to make sure that the content is fair or balanced?
This female spokeswoman is a slave to an ideology and would rather look like an imbecile to the viewing public than face the wrath of her male superiors if she can avoid it. Perhaps she too is stuck in an ideological prison. The way I see it, is that light of truth is too bright for their eyes. They try to sit in the dark and contemplate their next move and when a pin hole of light peeks through, they call it harsh and offensive and cover it over. They blame the sun for its brightness. But it's only a matter of time before the black paper and paste give way to the "truth" the non-Muslim world already recognizes.

CAIR is only successful in their censorship because they employ tactics of intimidation that begin with name calling, and if that doesn't work, their PR war machine takes it to the next level. Most good, honest, just, fair-minded, equality loving Americans neither want the negative exposure, or the scarlet letter associated with such branding, so they self-censor at the first sounds of verbal cross fire.
When facts and history, logic and reason are on your side, there is no need to panic, no need to retreat. Just let out a little more rope and a little more and a little more, and before long they hang themselves. No need to go hand to hand combat with these mongers, for the war is won or lost on information, not PR campaigns. Give the American people the straight scoop and the tactics of the desperate and the angry will be washed away like debris in a flood. Those who ride the waves in confidence and stay on the solid ground of truth will win out.
If CAIR really cares about women, they will not only change their tune and tactics and use logic and reason, they will promote this film and work towards solutions that benefit women -- not allowing them to be placed into little wedlock prisons they claim to reject.

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