
Monday, February 24, 2014

Breaking news: Teen held prisoner by state!

 Justina Pelletier Justina Pelletier, who was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease by one ...
oped: I do believe charges should be filed against Boston Childrens Hospital and Boston (DCF).Child Welfare workers for Unlawful Imprisonment,child abuse,Kidnapping and conspiracy for good measure, it should be presented to the FBI for investigation as well as the State Police and County Sheriff. This abomination cannot and should not stand! 
This smacks of the Pink Swastika Dr Death #Obamacare 1st stage implementation see:

Justina Pelletier update: Mentally ill teen a victim of medical abuse
Mathew D. Staver
Founder and Chairman 
The story of Justina Pelletier is like a horror movie. This is a case of Big Brother removing a teenage girl from her home and parents – responsible, loving parents who simply followed the medical counsel of their well-qualified physicians.  The state then actually imprisoned Justina, resulting in her health rapidly declining. 
Today, I attempted to appear before the Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Juvenile Court to defend the Pelletier family against abuse by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF). I will have a shocking update for you tomorrow, but you need to know the details of this outrageous case now.    
Please read my important update on this tragic example of what happens when a rampant state agency decides to run roughshod over parental rights – Mat.
America is rapidly becoming aware of the Pelletier family and their daughter’s life-and-death struggle unfolding in Massachusetts. Thankfully, national news reports about the situation have multiplied over the past several days and this tragic injustice is getting the attention it deserves. 
This case involves a 15-year-old ice-skating competitor who was taken from her parents by the DCF, locked up for over a year, and is now confined to a wheelchair because of maltreatment for a metabolic disorder. 
Justina’s father, Lou Pelletier, recently spoke to the media about this tragic case involving DCF and Boston Children’s Hospital. Seeking to silence the parents, the state has filed a complaint to hold the father in contempt of court for violating an alleged gag order that was never put in writing.
++The Pelletiers’ rights have been grossly violated.
The Founders intended that the Constitution would protect citizens against this kind of government oppression. DCF’s motion for contempt is nothing more than an attempt to prevent the public from learning about the state’s unconstitutional infringement of the Pelletiers’ parental rights.
Further, there is simply no justification for such a gross violation of the public’s access to judicial proceedings.

Description: ustina Pelletier, ice skating.Before she was admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital, Justina was being treated for mitochondrial disease, a rare genetic disorder, by Dr. Mark Korson, the chief of metabolism at Tufts Medical Center. 
At Boston Children’s Hospital, a new doctor – in the seventh month of his internship – changed the working diagnosis from mitochondrial disease to a somatoform disorder, shifting her treatment from a physical to a mental emphasis. 
When Lou and Linda Pelletier tried to discharge their daughter the following day, February 14, 2013, and return her to care at Tufts Medical Center, DCF declared Justina to be a “ward of the state” and moved her to a psychiatric ward, where she remained for eleven months! 
Today, Justina is confined at Wayside Youth and Family Support, a nonmedical treatment facility. She is suffering every day with excruciating pain, and her health is rapidly declining
++The actions of the Massachusetts DCF and Boston Children’s Hospital are indefensible! 
The State of Massachusetts cannot make Justina a prisoner merely because they disagree with the medical protocols recommended and administered by a respected medical institution responsible for her care. The more light is shed on this tragic situation, the more it becomes apparent that DCF and Boston Children’s Hospital have grossly violated this young woman’s and her family’s rights. 
 This is a tragic case that is beginning to get media attention solely because a father dared to stand up to statist bullies in a powerful agency. 
Today, I simply need your help to offset the legal expenses we are incurring in defending the Pelletier family. We do not charge the Pelletiers, or any client, for legal representation. 
Please go here to make your best gift possible: 
Justina's family is only allowed one, 1-hour visit and a 20-minute phone call each week – and both are heavily supervised. 
It is an outrageous expression of raw statism for government officials to remove a child from the custody and care of her parents when they were following the counsel of licensed medical professionals who had been charged with her care! 
If you were in the Pelletier’s shoes, you would doubtless wage an aggressive legal fight to obtain justice.  That’s exactly what we are doing on the Pelletier family’s behalf! 
Please help today with whatever sized gift is possible. Your gift of $50, $100, or even $1,000 will help Liberty Counsel meet these and other critical needs. Please, send a special gift today: 
Please also pray for the Liberty Counsel legal team as we meet growing litigation challenges, especially on behalf of America’s families. With your help, we can stop outrageous attacks on parental rights and turn back related assaults on religious freedom and the freedom of speech.
THANK YOU in advance and for standing with the Pelletier family and may God abundantly bless you! 
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
PS.  Just imagine if this outrage was happing to a loved one in your family!  Please, go here to help:
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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