Conservatives are Starting to FIGHT BACK Against Congressional Plans for AMNESTY for Illegals -- Select Here to DEMAND Congress Say NO to "Amnesty First"!
ALERT: We've got GOOD NEWS about the fight against AMNESTY for Illegal Aliens in Congress: media outlets are now reporting that conservative Congressmen are finally fighting back against the pro-amnesty forces in their own leadership:
"As House Republican leaders prepare an immigration proposal that could go much further towards amnesty than their prior public stances, conservative lawmakers are quietly plotting to push back... Officials close to the matter say conservative critics of Speaker John Boehner's planned immigration push are working to issue their own rival immigration principles to vie with the document Boehner is drafting... The building backlash could create for a tumultuous three-day retreat next week as Republicans gather in Maryland to plan the party's future."
IT'S ABOUT TIME conservatives started to STAND UP -- and it's all thanks to the pressure YOU AND I have been applying! What did they expect us to do, after reading headlines like: "Republican Ideas on Immigration Could Legalize Up to 6.5 Million, Study Says"! And that headline came from a LIBERAL paper -- the New York Times:
"Between 4.4 million and 6.5 million immigrants illegally in the United States could gain an eventual pathway to citizenship under proposals being discussed by Republicans in the House of Representatives, according to an estimate published Tuesday by the National Foundation for American Policy, a nonpartisan research group in Washington."
DID YOU READ THAT? The Senate amnesty bill, passed by Democrats and some turncoat Republicans, would grant amnesty to 8 million illegal aliens -- so the House Republican "leadership" response is to push amnesty for six and a half million illegals? These are the "principles" they promised to "stand strong" on?
This "new" plan is almost as bad as the one we've been fighting so hard to stop! But we're finally starting to see some PUSH-BACK from conservatives, which means we need to keep up the pressure -- tell Congress AGAIN to SAY NO TO ANY AMNESTY! As we recently told you, the New York Times has blown the lid off of the upcoming push for AMNESTY for illegal aliens in Congress:
"Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio has signaled he may embrace a series of limited changes to the nation's immigration laws in the coming months, giving advocates for change new hope that 2014 might be the year that a bitterly divided Congress reaches a political compromise to overhaul the sprawling system.![]()
Mr. Boehner has in recent weeks hired Rebecca Tallent, a longtime immigration adviser to Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican who has long backed broad immigration changes. Advocates for an overhaul say the hiring, as well as angry comments by Mr. Boehner critical of Tea Party opposition to the recent budget deal in Congress, indicates that he is serious about revamping the immigration system despite deep reservations from conservative Republicans...
...immigration advocates say that Mr. Boehner's end-of-year rant against Tea Party groups -- in which he said they had "lost all credibility" -- is an indicator of what he will do this year on immigration. The groups are the same ones that hope to rally the Republican base against an immigration compromise, and while Mr. Boehner cannot say so publicly, he will have more room to maneuver on the issue if he feels free to disregard the arguments from those organizations."
This shouldn't surprise you -- we also already told you how Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) let slip some VERY DISTURBING news recently. As reported in the Las Vegas Sun:
"Although a minority of Republicans would have to join with Democrats to pass immigration reform legislation containing a pathway to citizenship for people in the United States illegally, Reid said Boehner is 'going to cave in.'"
YOU READ THAT RIGHT: The Democrat leader of the Senate says that the Republican leader of the House is going to CAVE IN on AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS -- and now we see WHY he believes that!
You didn't think that the liberal push for AMNESTY for illegal aliens was over, did you?
It's NOT. Congress is preparing to push HARD for it, AGAIN. The only problem is that this time, it's REPUBLICANS who are leading the charge. As reported at The Right Scoop, Mark Levin opened his show in recent weeks explaining how Republican "leaders" are now pushing for amnesty again, DESPITE their rhetoric that "we should just focus on Obamacare."
Just as the Washington Times is reporting:
"House Speaker John A. Boehner announced Tuesday that he has hired a longtime advocate of legalizing illegal immigrants to be an adviser, signaling that the Republican is still intent on trying to pass an immigration bill during this congressional session.
Immigrant rights advocates cheered the move as a sign of Mr. Boehner's dedication to action. Those who want a crackdown on illegal immigration said the top Republican in the House has moved closer to embracing amnesty by hiring Rebecca Tallent, a former staffer for Sen. John McCain and fellow Arizona Republican Jim Kolbe."
DID YOU GET THAT? Boehner IS actually about to CAVE IN! The headline of that article says it all: "HOLA: Boehner prepares to push amnesty bill through House"! And Harry Reid himself said, "I think there's going to be so much pressure on the House that they'll have to pass it!"
We CANNOT let this happen -- we MUST KEEP THE PRESSURE on Congress to SAY NO TO AMNESTY! Have you ever heard of a "Disinformation Campaign," to mislead people into thinking that one thing is true, when just the opposite is true?
That's what's happening right now, with Republicans in Congress.
The news headlines were everywhere recently: "House Majority Whip McCarthy Says No Immigration Reform In 2013"; "Immigration reform is dead for the year, top GOP reformer says"; "No immigration reform vote in the House this year"... article after article, insisting that we don't have to worry about Congress passing any bills this year that would give Amnesty to illegal aliens. "Relax, don't worry, we aren't going to do that, move along, nothing to see here!"
There's just one problem with reports that "Immigration Reform Is Dead": Apparently, it's NOT TRUE.
This is what was all over the news before Boehner's hiring announcement: "The third-ranking House Republican told immigration advocates that lawmakers
But there have been others items in the news already, too -- and they contradict all of these hopeful headlines:
"Don't count Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus among those who believe comprehensive immigration reform is dead this Congress. Despite exasperation among reform advocates that the House has refused to vote on any major immigration bill -- particularly the Senate-passed legislation -- Priebus said that his 'gut' feeling is that the House will indeed pass an immigration overhaul in the next 14 months." -- Politico
"With a year to go until the midterm elections, immigration reform advocates hoping to jump-start debate on Capitol Hill are planning to target a handful of Republican lawmakers most likely to suffer political consequences next year if Congress fails to act on immigration reform... Organizers said the goal of the campaign is to pressure the lawmakers to match their public statements by lobbying colleagues and House Republican leaders to permit votes on a series of immigration bills introduced in recent months." -- Washington Post
"Let me set the record straight: Comprehensive immigration reform is not dead in the House... We are seeing a lot of action and momentum around comprehensive immigration reform." -- Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, on NBCLatino
Even the liberal Washington Post is admitting, "GOP leaders have not scheduled a vote on reform this year, but they haven't ruled one out." IN OTHER WORDS, WE STILL HAVE WORK TO DO!"
And that's not all: did you hear what Barack Hussein Obama said about the possibility of passing AMNESTY for ILLEGAL ALIENS in Congress? CBS News reported:
"In a meeting with business leaders to discuss immigration reform, President Obama predicted that there are enough votes in the House to pass the contentious issue... 'what's been encouraging is that there are a number of House Republicans who have said we think this is the right thing to do as well,'Mr. Obama said Tuesday at the White House. 'It's my estimation that we actually have the votes to get comprehensive immigration reform done in the House right now.'"
YOU READ THAT RIGHT: as the story's headline said, Obama believes that the "House has votes to pass immigration reform" -- in other words, they're preparing to ram AMNESTY for illegals down our throats!
WE HAVE TO STOP THEM! Pressure is building on Republicans to push through a vote in Congress on a bill giving AMNESTY to millions of illegal aliens -- which means it's up to AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZENS to fight back and STOP THE AMNESTY!
New media reports say that the pressure is coming from the combined forces of the radical left (no surprise there) AND big business groups like the Chamber of Commerce, who are willing to sell America out to get cheaper labor... while millions of our citizens are already out of work! According to an article in the Daily Caller:
"Business and progressive groups rallied at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Oct. 29 to reassure Speaker of the House John Boehner that he'll get their political support if he schedules a major vote on immigration. 'He's said in the press that the House should take up immigration reform and he plans to do it,' said Randel Johnson, the chamber's vice president for immigration. 'I think he want to get this done, but it is our job to show that there is support in the business community and the evangelical community and in other conservative Republican groups that they'll be there to back him up when he makes his decisions... We've got his back,' said Johnson, a former congressional staffer, who has known Boehner for 20 years."
So now we know: "big business" is teaming up with "big socialists" to push AMNESTY! And it's no secret that they think they can win; the "cat is out of the bag" -- House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has told the media that she believes "there is a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives ready to pass a comprehensive immigration overhaul bill" -- in other words, she thinks they have enough votes to pass the AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS bill that the Senate already rammed through!
But wait -- the Democrats are in charge of the Senate, so that's how liberals were able to pass their AMNESTY bill. So how could they pass it in the GOP-controlled House? Simple, says Pelosi: with "Republicans having publicly expressed support for a path to citizenship, we believe the votes are there on a bipartisan basis to pass a bill," she wrote on Facebook.
SHE'S RIGHT -- now we have PROOF that Republicans are ready to help them do it. Our friends at ALIPAC have now provided a list of 32 GOP members of Congress who have indicated they are willing to support granting amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S. as part of a broader immigration "reform" package. Or, as ALIPAC put it, this is a "TRAITOR LIST with contact info and proof of amnesty stance"!
YOU READ THAT RIGHT -- REPUBLICANS ARE READY TO HELP PASS AMNESTY, UNLESS WE STOP THEM! THIS MAY BE OUR ONLY CHANCE, IF WE TAKE ACTION NOW! Look, we all know that liberals in Congress are "chomping at the bit" to shove AMNESTY down our throats... but, as we figured would happen, Republican "leaders" are now starting to introduce their own "immigration reform" bills... that will give AMNESTY to ILLEGAL ALIENS. The Politico blog is reporting:
"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is planning to release legislation next week that would provide legal status for six years to undocumented immigrants in the United States...'It's halfway -- and it always has been -- halfway between full amnesty and simply rejecting people,' Issa told POLITICO on Wednesday... Issa's legislation would be the first bill this year released from House Republicans to provide legalization for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants... other rank-and-file Republican lawmakers who could be vital to the reform effort in the House signaled some headway on other immigration measures that have been discussed but have yet to be introduced."
WE WARNED YOU ABOUT THIS! Do you remember, just a couple of months ago, when our "leaders" in Congress were trying to SNEAK AMNESTY for illegal immigrants through? They thought they could pull a fast one on the American people -- but thanks to the tireless efforts and sacrifices by YOU and many thousands of your fellow patriots across America, we were able to SLOW DOWN the push for so-called "immigration reform" in Congress!
BUT now THEY'RE BACK, and we have a tough fight on our hands -- because since the Republicans CAVED on defunding Obamacare, the Democrats "smell blood in the water", and they're ready to try again to ram through AMNESTY for illegals! According to a report at Breitbart:
"On Thursday, President Obama took to the White House podium to triumphantly announce the end of the government shutdown. In doing so, he proclaimed that he wanted to push forward with other legislative priorities... 'We should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system.' Naturally, he blamed the Republican House for stalling his preferred immigration bill...On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) echoed Obama, saying, 'I look forward to the next venture, which is making sure we do immigration reform.' On Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Obama wanted immigration reform 'more than anything else' during his second term. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) said that he trusted that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) would cave on immigration..."
THAT'S RIGHT -- Obama, Reid and Schumer are gloating over their funding of Obamacare and raising the debt ceiling... and they're ready to build on that, to shove AMNESTY for ILLEGALS down our throats... WITHOUT A SECURE BODER! WE MUST STOP THEM NOW -- BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Some political pundits are saying that they think Republicans won't pass Obama's "immigration reform" bill, because they're angry at him for not negotiating with the House during the recent partial government "shutdown". BUT, according to several media reports, "The House Judiciary Committee [has] discussed for the first time legalization for some undocumented immigrants," and "Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are willing to give it consideration." ABC News reported that GOP leaders like Reps. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Trey Gowdy (R-SC), and Mike Coffman (R-CO) will "listen" to supporters of "immigration reform." And NBC News has reported that even top leaders like House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor "are working on legislation to address the issue of citizenship" -- in other words, AMNESTY -- for many illegal aliens!
As you probably remember, the "immigration reform" bill -- really, an AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens -- that liberals and RINOs in Congress have been trying to ram through... passed the U.S. Senate this summer, thanks to every Democrat and fourteen turncoat Republicans.
Did you GET that? This new bill does NOT guarantee a secure border, but will still grant AMNESTY to illegal aliens! IT PASSED IN THE SENATE -- BUT IT CAN STILL BE STOPPED IN THE HOUSE!
As our friends at the Tea Party Patriots have noted, "The bill provides amnesty and immediate access to welfare programs to illegal immigrants, including those who have committed serious crimes. Adding insult to injury, the bill offers NOTHING in the way of border security, which will guarantee that we will see future influxes of illegal immigrants, perpetuating the need for ANOTHER amnesty in a few decades."
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced a so-called "border security" amendment, which received the support of Sen. Schumer and the GOP RINO establishment. But the amendment was nothing more than an attempt by the GOP establishment in DC to provide "cover" for their amnesty vote. Corker's amendment provides additional funding for border security, but does NOT have the necessary accountability measures to ensure the money will actually produce results! This is the Republicans' solution -- throw more money at a problem and hope for the best? The Corker Amendment, while hailed by establishment Republicans as the "answer" to our border security problems, actually WEAKENS our border security enforcement and controls!
No wonder the border patrol agents are so opposed to this bill! WE NEED TO STAND WITH THEM, AND STOP CONGRESS FROM PASSING ANY AMNESTY BILL! By the way, while we were all looking the other way, Barack Hussein Obama has ONCE AGAIN snuck around Congress, and issued an Executive Order to keep THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIENS here in America -- in effect, granting AMNESTY for illegals WITHOUT Congressional approval:
"Facing intense pressure from immigrant advocates who want the president to do more to limit deportations, the Obama administration has quietly issued a directive to help undocumented immigrants... The move follows a more sweeping decision by President Obama last year to defer deportation for some young immigrants who have lived in the United States illegally since they were children. With immigration reform having ground to a standstill in Congress, such executive-branch actions are seen as the only means for Obama to advance pro-immigrant policies, at least for now."
DID YOU GET THAT? Barack Obama is bowing to "intense pressure" from supporters of AMNESTY for ILLEGALS -- and he's doing everything he can to GIVE them that AMNESTY, with OR without Congressional action!
But DO NOT think that Congress isn't going to go along with this -- they're ready to do even MORE! The mainstream media KEEPS trying to convince us that AMNESTY for illegal aliens isn't going to happen -- but government "leaders" keep letting it slip that the the OPPOSITE is true. The latest headline from the Washington Times reads, "Biden guarantees victory on immigration reform" -- as they report, despite the media's "assurances" to the contrary:
"...that didn't stop Vice President Joseph R. Biden from guaranteeing Wednesday that, eventually, the Senate measure -- and its controversial pathway to citizenship provision -- will become the law of the land. 'We're going to pass this Senate bill that we're talking about here. It's going to happen,' Mr. Biden said during an online question-and-answer session, where he and Cecilia Munoz, the White House's director of domestic policy, took questions via Twitter and Skype."
The Republican "leaders" seem to be in agreement: is reporting that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) IS planning to push AMNESTY legislation through Congress -- but he's waiting until after the primary filing deadline for candidates, in order to prevent Tea Party candidates from challenging GOP lawmakers who support amnesty in 2014:
"Scott Braddock reported on Tuesday that 'in recent weeks, various Texas business interests have told Quorum Report that Boehner has been telling them that he will start holding immigration votes not long after the filing deadline has passed... what was made clear was that Boehner felt the need to protect House Republican incumbents who are otherwise seen as conservative but have expressed an openness to immigration reform that includes a robust guest worker program.'"
This means there has to be MORE pressure from patriotic Americans like US to STOP that from happening -- so it's once again up to YOU AND I to KEEP PRESSURE on Congress to SAY NO TO AMNESTY! Remember when Nancy Pelosi infamously said, "We have to pass [Obamacare] so that you can find out what is in it"? IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!
When Congress rammed through Obamacare in 2010, we WARNED them that there had NOT been enough time to analyze the bill. So what happened? You got it: In April, Sen. Max Baucus, one of the original authors of the Obamacare legislation, admitted that Obamacare is going to be a "TRAIN WRECK"!
Now, just like with Obamacare, the current immigration bill is a HUGE piece of legislation that will have permanent, detrimental ramifications. At OVER ONE THOUSAND PAGES, this amnesty bill is WAY too complex for Congress to be RUSHING to pass it -- which is exactly what the Senate did!
The fact is, the Senate amnesty bill will prove to be just as much of a "train wreck" as Obamacare -- because Congress is once again trying to "pass it so we can find out what's in it"! It's time for Congress to say NO to ANY "immigration reform" bill until we have a VERIFIED secure border. That's why we need to take immediate action, and we need YOUR help -- send your Blast Faxes to every single Member of Congress NOW!
P.S. According to recent polls, more than 70% of Americans want the border to be completely secured before we even BEGIN to discuss any kind of "immigration reform". When the pro-Amnesty forces talk about the Senate bill, they keep claiming that it will enhance border security. But NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
The Senate bill WEAKENS existing security measures, does NOT require that any additional sections of the fence be built, and gives an ENORMOUS amount of discretion to unelected officials within the Department of Homeland Security -- which has already proven how incompetent it is with border security! Shouldn't Congress think about THAT before handing over our entire border security strategy to this department?
Americans deserve an immigration strategy that respects the rule of law and is mindful of our nation's complex border security needs. The current "immigration reform" bill accomplishes neither of those goals.
Because this AMNESTY bill falls so short on border security, we MUST do EVERYTHING we can to stop it... or ANY bill that doesn't put Border Security FIRST! You and I need to STAND UP and DEMAND that Congress TAKE ACTION NOW!
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