oped: Here we go ... the whole false outrage on Gun Control exposed...it is all about the Far left Loons and the Obama administration finding another way to tax the hell out of the American People so they can continue their out of control spending on perverted programs...not to forget the Greedy Ambulance Chasers Lobby...I mean they need another source to litigate and get even richer...Have y'all had enough yet?

WND Exclusive
Obamacare was approved by the Supreme Court when Chief Justice John Roberts decided to consider it a “tax,” even though the Obama administration said it wasn’t. So why not have a new “insurance mandate” to control guns?
That apparently is the thinking of a team of Democrats in Congress who made that very proposal just as the U.N. adopted a sweeping international “arms treaty”; more outright bans and taxes were proposed; states took it on themselves to say who can buy guns or ammunition; and one government came up with an “ammunition eligibility certificate.”
The Daily Caller reported that the insurance mandate was proposed by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and others, who said Americans should be ordered to buy a liability insurance policy for guns.
No insurance? No problem; just pay a $10,000 fine, she suggests.
“It shall be unlawful for a person who owns a firearm purchased on or after the effective date of this subsection not to be covered by a qualified liability insurance policy,” the bill text reads.
And it would be a federal crime for someone to sell a firearm to another person who doesn’t have that insurance.
President Obama and Democrats in Congress have been using the horror of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting last winter to push for bans and restrictions on guns, gun ownership and ammunition.
In Connecticut, state Senate President Donald Williams Jr., a Democrat, said his state’s plan, which bans 100 types of guns, is the strongest ever.
“That is a message that should resound in 49 other states and in Washington, D.C. And the message is: We can get it done here and they should get it done in their respective states and nationally in Congress,” he said.
Democrats control both houses of the Connecticut General Assembly.
The Connecticut bill also bans some ammunition magazines, requires registration of other magazines, creates a registry and calls for an “ammunition eligibility certificate.
In California, state Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, wants ammunition regulated, taxed and limited.
Sen. Kevin deLeon, another Democrat, from Los Angeles, has suggested demanding a background check and a $50 annual fee for permission to buy ammunition.
Also proposed: A 10 percent tax on ammunition, a requirement to report of ammunition sales to the state Justice Department so it could create a record of all purchases and an additional 5-cent tax on each round sold.
The U.N. drew outrage yesterday when it adopted an Arms Trade Treaty that addresses limits on tanks, combat vehicles, aircraft and parts and ammunition.
The Obama administration supported the draft, even though Second Amendment supporters warn it is permeated with loopholes that are vague enough to open the door for many new limits.
Michael Hammond of Gun Owners of America told WND said the U.N. plan would allow at least three unwanted actions.
First, he said, it would have the federal government keep a list of guns and ammunition, an actual registry.
“The second thing it does is give the government the capacity to ban guns by executive order, entire classes of guns,” he said.
Third, Hammond said, is that the door would be open to requiring microstamping, a procedure that labels each round to identify the gun in which it is used.
He said while it appears there is not enough support in the U.S. Senate now to adopt the measure, the issue won’t go away.
Hammond also said it was “interesting” that Obama said he loved and respected the Second Amendment on Nov. 5, 2012, and “on Nov. 7 he hated and deplored it.”
“What happened between those two dates?” asked Hammond.
WND Exclusive
Obamacare was approved by the Supreme Court when Chief Justice John Roberts decided to consider it a “tax,” even though the Obama administration said it wasn’t. So why not have a new “insurance mandate” to control guns?
That apparently is the thinking of a team of Democrats in Congress who made that very proposal just as the U.N. adopted a sweeping international “arms treaty”; more outright bans and taxes were proposed; states took it on themselves to say who can buy guns or ammunition; and one government came up with an “ammunition eligibility certificate.”
The Daily Caller reported that the insurance mandate was proposed by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and others, who said Americans should be ordered to buy a liability insurance policy for guns.
No insurance? No problem; just pay a $10,000 fine, she suggests.
“It shall be unlawful for a person who owns a firearm purchased on or after the effective date of this subsection not to be covered by a qualified liability insurance policy,” the bill text reads.
And it would be a federal crime for someone to sell a firearm to another person who doesn’t have that insurance.
President Obama and Democrats in Congress have been using the horror of the Newtown, Conn., school shooting last winter to push for bans and restrictions on guns, gun ownership and ammunition.
In Connecticut, state Senate President Donald Williams Jr., a Democrat, said his state’s plan, which bans 100 types of guns, is the strongest ever.
“That is a message that should resound in 49 other states and in Washington, D.C. And the message is: We can get it done here and they should get it done in their respective states and nationally in Congress,” he said.
Democrats control both houses of the Connecticut General Assembly.
The Connecticut bill also bans some ammunition magazines, requires registration of other magazines, creates a registry and calls for an “ammunition eligibility certificate.
In California, state Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, wants ammunition regulated, taxed and limited.
Sen. Kevin deLeon, another Democrat, from Los Angeles, has suggested demanding a background check and a $50 annual fee for permission to buy ammunition.
Also proposed: A 10 percent tax on ammunition, a requirement to report of ammunition sales to the state Justice Department so it could create a record of all purchases and an additional 5-cent tax on each round sold.
The U.N. drew outrage yesterday when it adopted an Arms Trade Treaty that addresses limits on tanks, combat vehicles, aircraft and parts and ammunition.
The Obama administration supported the draft, even though Second Amendment supporters warn it is permeated with loopholes that are vague enough to open the door for many new limits.
Michael Hammond of Gun Owners of America told WND said the U.N. plan would allow at least three unwanted actions.
First, he said, it would have the federal government keep a list of guns and ammunition, an actual registry.
“The second thing it does is give the government the capacity to ban guns by executive order, entire classes of guns,” he said.
Third, Hammond said, is that the door would be open to requiring microstamping, a procedure that labels each round to identify the gun in which it is used.
He said while it appears there is not enough support in the U.S. Senate now to adopt the measure, the issue won’t go away.
Hammond also said it was “interesting” that Obama said he loved and respected the Second Amendment on Nov. 5, 2012, and “on Nov. 7 he hated and deplored it.”
“What happened between those two dates?” asked Hammond.
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