by Joe Kovacs
Megyn Kelly of Fox News
A song and video intended to honor the beauty and brains of the
female broadcasters on Fox News have erupted into a “vicious” war of
words online, saddening the country-music artist who wrote and performed
the tune.As WND previously reported, singer Austin Cunningham has produced “The Girls On Fox News,” which has now close to 900,000 views on YouTube.
The song starts off with a true-to-life description of what happened to Cunningham:
Well I used to be a Democrat, Liberal no doubt
I didn’t think Conservatives knew what life’s about
Then I started leaving the Fox News channel on.
If that’s the face of the right, I’ll tell the left so long.
Watch and listen to the song by clicking on the video below:
The song, which can be purchased on iTunes, is upbeat and replete with jokes, including a catchy chorus proclaiming:
Oh, I want a girl like the girls on Fox News
Everyone is beautiful, anyone you choose
Whoever does the hiring knows how to light my fuse
I want a girl like the girls on Fox News.
But once awareness of the song spread across the nation, Cunningham says the political left kicked into high gear, posting “all these polarizing, politicized and vicious comments.”
“In the beginning when the song first took off,” he told WND, “the comments were mostly positive and people were loving it and sharing it, which is why it starting going viral. As it gained popularity, it seems the haters showed up and weighed in more and more, demonizing the song, the women and completely judging them as unintelligent simply because they are beautiful. Many were weighing in that the song was a parody, or satire and that I was making fun of the women and couldn’t possibly just be complimenting them.”
Some of the harsh comments which we can print here include:
- “‘The Girls on Fox News’ song would be like writing a song about the women of the KKK.” (Cesar Perez)
- “They are typical American pig women with 5 layers of make-up and a can of hair spray in their hair. It is just sad.” (sirikwan11)
- “Sex always sells. What can you say? This is America and men are still led around by the lower part of their anatomy.” (Shelly Martin-Hester)
- “They all look like porno stars. That’s not a good thing for a supposed ‘News’ corporation.” (Silberdachs)
- “Token, air-headed eye candy, that’s all they are and were meant to be on Fox.” (Lyiad)
- “Online you can find cleavage shots, bikini photos, ridiculously low-cut shorts on all of them, and even them posing sexually. All taken from Fox News. Isn’t this discrimination? Could the people who pick these girls possibly be the biggest tools out there?” (AlexanderMccarthey87)
Cunningham, who now splits his time between McKinney, Texas, and Nashville, Tenn., stresses the song is not a parody, and that he truly respects the women on both the Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network.
“Seriously, all these gals seem to be what our elders used to describe as ‘lovely.’ Meaning looks certainly, but also with qualities like elegance, grace, intelligence, wit and kindness,” he said.
Even some left-leaning TV shows are commenting on Cunningham’s video and Fox News.
“You know what I’ve realized what they’ve done is, they’ve actually re-created the set of ‘Mad Men’ in the news context on Fox News. The opinions are from the 1960s. Their hairdos are from the 1960s,” noted Cenk Uygur of Current TV, the network formerly owned by ex-Vice President Al Gore but recently purchased by Al Jazeera.
“They didn’t make the clear desks and have the ladies legs appear through the desks on every single set by accident, and then hire gorgeous women who were super blond, all-American, 1950s-looking women, and then show their legs underneath the desks, etc. That’s obviously on purpose,” Uygur added.
Cunningham told WND: “As the song got more popular, the [political left] started demonizing it, and this war began. I never believed my friends who voiced conspiracy concerns when really the song almost stopped in its tracks. After reading these articles and now many of these comments, whether they’ve been successful or not, I believe the left has done everything possible to denigrate and demonize this song, me and the Fox women and steer popularity away from the song.
“This reaction from the left, the judgmental hate, the viciousness, the profanity and the slander has caused those who watch Fox and are probably conservative, to react with like-minded name calling. It seems we can’t even agree that someone is beautiful. Or God forbid, admit that they also have a brain.
“If I had just listened to my song and went to leave a comment, I probably wouldn’t for fear of being labeled one of the ‘trailer-park tea-billies’ as one contributor states. I am both elated at the song’s popularity, and saddened that this country is so divided.”
The complete lyrics for “The Girls On Fox News” by Austin Cunningham are presented here:
Well I used to be a Democrat, Liberal no doubt
I didn’t think Conservatives knew what life’s about
Then I started leaving the Fox News channel on.
If that’s the face of the right, I’ll tell the left so long.
Oh, I want a girl like the girls on Fox News
Everyone is beautiful, anyone you choose
Whoever does the hiring knows how to light my fuse
I want a girl like the girls on Fox News.
There’s Gretchen, Meagan and Martha, Harris and Patti Ann
Janice, Jen and Julie, Maria, Anna and Alison
Dana, Ainsley, Andrea, Uma, Shannon, Molly and Heather
Hey, is there even a Heather?
There’s two?
Yeah two
There’s Mollys too?
Well they make the bad news on TV look a whole lot better!
Now please don’t call me shallow, a pervert, or insane.
Because who the heck does not love beauty with brains.
I bet you that Bill Clinton, when Hillary walks in
Quickly switches back from Fox to MSBNN!
Bet Bill wants a girl like the girls on Fox News
Everyone is beautiful, anyone you choose!
Whoever does the hiring, knows how to light my fuse
I want a girl like the girls on Fox News!
Now to Doocy, Kilmeade, and Bolling, Bret, Shep and Sean
And all them other hairy-legged Geraldos you put on
I ask you all one question, who would you rather watch
Cavuto or Courtney Friel interview Ed Koch.
‘Cause honey sure beats vinegar to wash down the news we need
No one else comes close, well except for maybe Robin Meade.
They got your blondes and brunettes, even redheads, too
Which proves that they’re the only ones with fair and balanced news!
Oh I want a girl, like the girls on Fox News
I’d settle for an hour there in Billy Hemmer’s shoes
Can’t help if other network girls’ egos get bruised
I want a girl like the girls on Fox News.
More cowbell!
And I like Michelle Malkin, she never makes my reds stay blue
And if my wife would let me, hey I’d marry Michelle, too.
Save some love for Greta, she’s the smartest y’all
Bet when she’s off the record, she’s the wildest of them all!
Now I’m a Fox News junkie, I watch it all I can
My Liberal days are over, hope Bob Beckel understands.
And I believe in everything O’Reilly has to say
Especially when he has Kimberly Guilfoyle on that day.
Oh I want a girl like the girls on Fox News!
Everyone is beautiful, anyone you choose.
Whoever does the hiring knows how to light my fuse
I want a girl like the girls on Fox News.
Hey, I want a girl like the girls on Fox News!
No, honey, I love you!
I mean if I wasn’t married to you, I’d love them
I mean they’re awesome
But you’re the most awesomest, really!
I swear, honey.
Click on the link for more Pics:
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