by Ben Crystal

Last week, while America was reeling from President Barack Obama and his Democratic accomplices’ increasingly ugly war on the Bill of Rights, one of Obama’s ugliest cheerleaders — Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina — sent an email to the Democratic horde. Messina is the dough-faced creep who starred in the “For All” meme which, I presume, was intended to frighten parents into voting for Obama in exchange for people like Messina staying away from their children. Given his history, I would have guessed most of Messina’s emails concern cats dressed up like people or the best places to meet unattended kids. However, this one addressed the recent Democratic attempts to divert attention away from Obama’s exploitation of children to sell his new plan to disarm law-abiding Americans.
In the electronic missive in question, Messina wrote:
But wait. If it’s already acknowledging that Obama’s grand gun-grab gambit screams “Epic fail!” as loudly as Joe Biden debating anything smarter than my Labrador retriever (who still gets good odds), then what was the point of the exercise? In an effort to stop so-called “gun violence,” Obama came up with a program that not only won’t work, but has split the Nation like a wishbone. Who else is glad to know these clowns are on the case? Pardon me for daring to question his Imperial Highness, but if you know your plan is nothing more than a thinly disguised abrogation of the Bill of Rights and will be as effective in stopping so-called “gun violence” as an Atlanta sports team is in winning when it counts, then you need to run a different play.
Obama’s minions got away with Operation Fast and Furious. They got away with Benghazi, Libya. They got away with Solyndra, “Government” Motors and the host of scandals and crimes that have defined Obama’s tenure. I remain aghast that none of Obama’s retinue of circus freaks and goose-stepper wannabes will spend the next 10 to 15 years living out Messina’s secret fantasies in the shower room at Leavenworth. But did they really think they would get away with a frontal assault on a group of people who not only recognize the authority of the Constitution, but are willing to defend it by precisely the means it affords them? What’s more, Obama’s attempts to implement his fascist vision have backfired. Gun sales have leapt into the stratosphere. Some magazine manufacturers have suspended the acceptance of new orders in order to deal with a mounting backlog.
Obama took national heartbreak and tried to exploit it — and any unattended children within reach — into a blitz on the Bill of Rights. As usual, his nefarious plan blew up in his face. He’ll survive this latest blunder; his arrogance and the blind obedience required of all liberals providing him with a shield. But his constant barrage of lies, failures and outright disgraces will eventually exact a toll. Of course, the Democrats won’t pay it; they’ll bill it to us. I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I’m all tapped out. All I have left are my freedom and my firearms. I’d recommend they avoid sending Messina to my door to collect.
Last week, while America was reeling from President Barack Obama and his Democratic accomplices’ increasingly ugly war on the Bill of Rights, one of Obama’s ugliest cheerleaders — Obama 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina — sent an email to the Democratic horde. Messina is the dough-faced creep who starred in the “For All” meme which, I presume, was intended to frighten parents into voting for Obama in exchange for people like Messina staying away from their children. Given his history, I would have guessed most of Messina’s emails concern cats dressed up like people or the best places to meet unattended kids. However, this one addressed the recent Democratic attempts to divert attention away from Obama’s exploitation of children to sell his new plan to disarm law-abiding Americans.
In the electronic missive in question, Messina wrote:
Friend — Yesterday, President Obama announced his plan to protect our children and our communities by helping reduce gun violence. We won’t stop every violent act like the one in Newtown, Connecticut.Just a month after the Newtown massacre, which occurred despite precisely the sort of firearm restrictions Obama wants to impose upon the rest of us, and just days after Obama signed his oath- and Constitution-violating executive orders (behind a wall of yet more defenseless tots), one of his top lieutenants admitted that Obama’s plan is about as likely to work as a sizable number of his voters. Rats! And here I was so excited about the prospects of an America free from the specter of crazy people who do crazy things. It’s a bit of a shame that the Obama Administration doesn’t seem to share my enthusiasm.
But wait. If it’s already acknowledging that Obama’s grand gun-grab gambit screams “Epic fail!” as loudly as Joe Biden debating anything smarter than my Labrador retriever (who still gets good odds), then what was the point of the exercise? In an effort to stop so-called “gun violence,” Obama came up with a program that not only won’t work, but has split the Nation like a wishbone. Who else is glad to know these clowns are on the case? Pardon me for daring to question his Imperial Highness, but if you know your plan is nothing more than a thinly disguised abrogation of the Bill of Rights and will be as effective in stopping so-called “gun violence” as an Atlanta sports team is in winning when it counts, then you need to run a different play.
Obama’s minions got away with Operation Fast and Furious. They got away with Benghazi, Libya. They got away with Solyndra, “Government” Motors and the host of scandals and crimes that have defined Obama’s tenure. I remain aghast that none of Obama’s retinue of circus freaks and goose-stepper wannabes will spend the next 10 to 15 years living out Messina’s secret fantasies in the shower room at Leavenworth. But did they really think they would get away with a frontal assault on a group of people who not only recognize the authority of the Constitution, but are willing to defend it by precisely the means it affords them? What’s more, Obama’s attempts to implement his fascist vision have backfired. Gun sales have leapt into the stratosphere. Some magazine manufacturers have suspended the acceptance of new orders in order to deal with a mounting backlog.
Obama took national heartbreak and tried to exploit it — and any unattended children within reach — into a blitz on the Bill of Rights. As usual, his nefarious plan blew up in his face. He’ll survive this latest blunder; his arrogance and the blind obedience required of all liberals providing him with a shield. But his constant barrage of lies, failures and outright disgraces will eventually exact a toll. Of course, the Democrats won’t pay it; they’ll bill it to us. I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I’m all tapped out. All I have left are my freedom and my firearms. I’d recommend they avoid sending Messina to my door to collect.
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