
What makes the head of a crime family happier than a witch in a broom factory? Finding out that he will be keeping his job another 4 years and knowing that virtually no one can touch him. His chief enforcer is also happy as he is keeping his job, at least for another four years.
In 1789, Edmund Jennings Randolph became the first US Attorney General under President George Washington. Randolph, an attorney had previously served as Governor of Virginia before accepting the position as the top legal advisor for the newly formed nation where he would represent the US government in cases before the Supreme Court.
Since Randolph’s time, the role of US Attorney General has expanded to head the Department of Justice, created in 1870, where he/she is considered to be the chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the US government. As such, the US Attorney General is expected to be the archetype law abiding citizen in the nation.
Today’s US Attorney General, Eric Holder has proven to be anything but the archetype model law abiding citizen. In fact, it seems more like the chief enforcer for the nation’s top crime boss, Barack Obama. Together, the two of them have repeatedly broken one law after another along with committing multiple violations of the US Constitution. Since Holder is the top cop and prosecutor in the country, he’s virtually untouchable.
Yes, the US House of Representatives can impeach Holder, but that would leave the actual conviction up to the Democratic controlled Senate, which we all know won’t happen.
Several of Obama’s Cabinet leaders have informed him that they will be resigning soon. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta are among those that are jumping ship. It seems that Obama has tried to keep Holder in place, but there are rumors that he will only stay for another year.
While that is good news in some ways, one can only wonder who the next top crooked cop will be. Within the halls of Capital Hill, names such as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have been floating around as a possible replacement for Holder. From a conservative point of view, that would be like replacing one liberal lawbreaker with another. A few other names have wafted on the winds of rumor which include Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Gov. Deval Patrick of MA.
I honestly believe that Napolitano could be worse than Holder. As for the other three, I don’t think any of them could be much worse than Holder, and perhaps could even be better, but I won’t hold my breath. I’ll just be glad if and when Holder is gone.
What makes the head of a crime family happier than a witch in a broom factory? Finding out that he will be keeping his job another 4 years and knowing that virtually no one can touch him. His chief enforcer is also happy as he is keeping his job, at least for another four years.
In 1789, Edmund Jennings Randolph became the first US Attorney General under President George Washington. Randolph, an attorney had previously served as Governor of Virginia before accepting the position as the top legal advisor for the newly formed nation where he would represent the US government in cases before the Supreme Court.
Since Randolph’s time, the role of US Attorney General has expanded to head the Department of Justice, created in 1870, where he/she is considered to be the chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the US government. As such, the US Attorney General is expected to be the archetype law abiding citizen in the nation.
Today’s US Attorney General, Eric Holder has proven to be anything but the archetype model law abiding citizen. In fact, it seems more like the chief enforcer for the nation’s top crime boss, Barack Obama. Together, the two of them have repeatedly broken one law after another along with committing multiple violations of the US Constitution. Since Holder is the top cop and prosecutor in the country, he’s virtually untouchable.
Yes, the US House of Representatives can impeach Holder, but that would leave the actual conviction up to the Democratic controlled Senate, which we all know won’t happen.
Several of Obama’s Cabinet leaders have informed him that they will be resigning soon. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta are among those that are jumping ship. It seems that Obama has tried to keep Holder in place, but there are rumors that he will only stay for another year.
While that is good news in some ways, one can only wonder who the next top crooked cop will be. Within the halls of Capital Hill, names such as Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have been floating around as a possible replacement for Holder. From a conservative point of view, that would be like replacing one liberal lawbreaker with another. A few other names have wafted on the winds of rumor which include Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Gov. Deval Patrick of MA.
I honestly believe that Napolitano could be worse than Holder. As for the other three, I don’t think any of them could be much worse than Holder, and perhaps could even be better, but I won’t hold my breath. I’ll just be glad if and when Holder is gone.
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