by Bob Unruh

A psychiatrist and forensic profiler who decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note,” deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note and worked on the Natalee Holloway murder case now has analyzed the United Nations speech by Barack Obama and says the president confessed he’s ineligible for the Oval Office and told Americans they must use the Constitution to solve the problem.
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” at the suggestion of WND examined Obama’s Sept. 25 address at the U.N. and offered his analysis.
He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators.
He’s not exactly new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.’s “suicide note” to confirm Simpson had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify the child’s killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky confession on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior.
See all the details in Hodges’ book “The Obama Confession.”
On Hodges’ website, Steven A. Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston, Clear Lake, wrote that Hodges’ technique is “becoming the cutting edge of forensic science.”
“Dr. Hodges’ investigation of forensic documents in the Natalee Holloway case indicates that his ‘thoughtprint decoding method’ and ‘reading between the lines’ is, in fact, becoming a major contribution to law enforcement tools used by criminal investigators,” wrote Egger.
Hodges says in his analysis of Obama’s U.N. address that the president “continues to reference attacks on America and our Constitution.”
Obama said in the speech: “The attack son our civilians … were attacks on America … we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.”
Hodges writes that Obama “again confesses his illegal presidency was an attack upon America, upon justice. So he promises to relentlessly track down his symbolic killing – destruction of – the Constitution.”
Obama said “the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United [States] was founded.
Here, Hodges writes, Obama is “once more alluding to his constitutional attack. He can’t say it enough.”
Obama further stated the “answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution … yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as president of our country, I [accept that people are going to] call me awful things every day.”
Hodges says Obama “unconsciously reminds us that no one has confronted his blasphemy as a false president flaunting our most sacred beliefs — even as he calls his deed ‘awful.’ Obama’s succinct answer to his illegal presidency: enforce the Constitution.”
Hodges concludes that the remarks by Obama at the U.N. reveal truths similar to those he perceived in Obama’s inaugural address.
“Deep down a guilty person cannot stop looking at his misdeed, his crime. Obama’s brilliant unconscious constantly comprehends his guilt and is incessantly moved to confess. Remember, the deeper mind speaks symbolically in a narrative language using key images. It is much like reading a parable,” he said.
“The first thing Obama does in his U.N. address is make reference to his foreign birth – exactly as he did in his 2009 Inauguration Day speech when his opening sentence introduced the word ‘borne’ and thus the question, ‘Where was I born?’” Hodges concludes.
“At the U.N., Obama begins to tell ‘about an American named … who was born in a town called … He came to love … the people of Africa … and he would carry that commitment throughout his life.
“His super intelligence, his deeper unconscious is actually saying, ‘I’m going to tell you the secret story of my supposed American birth – I was really born in Africa to which I have a lifelong commitment.’ His story pictures a foreigner traveling between America and Africa – matching an identical idea in his inaugural address,” the author explains.
“Next Obama unconsciously confesses his illegal presidency was a secret revolution against America. Obama instantly provides a second crucial birth marker linking ‘birth’ to ‘revolution,’” Hodges said. “Note the phrase: ‘the revolution, he supported the birth.’ The super-intel suggests that Obama, the foreigner in America, leads a secret revolution in which his foreign birth subverts America’s constitutional requirements.”
Hodges continues: “In his inauguration address, Obama repeatedly appealed to citizens to hold him to constitutional standards. He declared America was at ‘war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred’ – suggesting as a foreigner he had violently usurped the oath of office.
“In the U.N. speech, we find numerous calls for a change in leadership – Obama’s unconscious moral compass guiding America to the truth about his fraudulent presidency and what we need to do. Just one example,” he said. “‘We supported a transition of leadership … because the interests of the people were not being served by a corrupt status quo.’ His secret call for a change in the U.S. presidency matches his inauguration speech story about how his foreign-born father could not have been served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant – suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president.”
Obama also called for a leader to emerge to lead the protests in the Middle East.
“We have seen peaceful transitions of power … a new president … a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament … Around the globe, people are making their voices heard,” Obama stated.
Hodges’ says Obama “again suggests that – should he win a second term – the people must march on Washington to oppose his presidency. Absolutely the only way he’ll ever be confronted.”
Hodges earlier said most people don’t understand the intensity and revelations in Obama’s statements.
He has, for example, endured a trauma that controls his life, and Hodges suggests Obama’s statements often imply “the exact opposite.”
In a column later, he wrote that research indicates the human subconscious reveals the truth about the person.
“Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God,” Hodges said. “Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.”
A psychiatrist and forensic profiler who decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note,” deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note and worked on the Natalee Holloway murder case now has analyzed the United Nations speech by Barack Obama and says the president confessed he’s ineligible for the Oval Office and told Americans they must use the Constitution to solve the problem.
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” at the suggestion of WND examined Obama’s Sept. 25 address at the U.N. and offered his analysis.
He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators.
He’s not exactly new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.’s “suicide note” to confirm Simpson had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify the child’s killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky confession on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior.
See all the details in Hodges’ book “The Obama Confession.”
On Hodges’ website, Steven A. Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston, Clear Lake, wrote that Hodges’ technique is “becoming the cutting edge of forensic science.”
“Dr. Hodges’ investigation of forensic documents in the Natalee Holloway case indicates that his ‘thoughtprint decoding method’ and ‘reading between the lines’ is, in fact, becoming a major contribution to law enforcement tools used by criminal investigators,” wrote Egger.
Hodges says in his analysis of Obama’s U.N. address that the president “continues to reference attacks on America and our Constitution.”
Obama said in the speech: “The attack son our civilians … were attacks on America … we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.”
Hodges writes that Obama “again confesses his illegal presidency was an attack upon America, upon justice. So he promises to relentlessly track down his symbolic killing – destruction of – the Constitution.”
Obama said “the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United [States] was founded.
Here, Hodges writes, Obama is “once more alluding to his constitutional attack. He can’t say it enough.”
Obama further stated the “answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution … yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as president of our country, I [accept that people are going to] call me awful things every day.”
Hodges says Obama “unconsciously reminds us that no one has confronted his blasphemy as a false president flaunting our most sacred beliefs — even as he calls his deed ‘awful.’ Obama’s succinct answer to his illegal presidency: enforce the Constitution.”
Hodges concludes that the remarks by Obama at the U.N. reveal truths similar to those he perceived in Obama’s inaugural address.
“Deep down a guilty person cannot stop looking at his misdeed, his crime. Obama’s brilliant unconscious constantly comprehends his guilt and is incessantly moved to confess. Remember, the deeper mind speaks symbolically in a narrative language using key images. It is much like reading a parable,” he said.
“The first thing Obama does in his U.N. address is make reference to his foreign birth – exactly as he did in his 2009 Inauguration Day speech when his opening sentence introduced the word ‘borne’ and thus the question, ‘Where was I born?’” Hodges concludes.
“At the U.N., Obama begins to tell ‘about an American named … who was born in a town called … He came to love … the people of Africa … and he would carry that commitment throughout his life.
“His super intelligence, his deeper unconscious is actually saying, ‘I’m going to tell you the secret story of my supposed American birth – I was really born in Africa to which I have a lifelong commitment.’ His story pictures a foreigner traveling between America and Africa – matching an identical idea in his inaugural address,” the author explains.
“Next Obama unconsciously confesses his illegal presidency was a secret revolution against America. Obama instantly provides a second crucial birth marker linking ‘birth’ to ‘revolution,’” Hodges said. “Note the phrase: ‘the revolution, he supported the birth.’ The super-intel suggests that Obama, the foreigner in America, leads a secret revolution in which his foreign birth subverts America’s constitutional requirements.”
Hodges continues: “In his inauguration address, Obama repeatedly appealed to citizens to hold him to constitutional standards. He declared America was at ‘war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred’ – suggesting as a foreigner he had violently usurped the oath of office.
“In the U.N. speech, we find numerous calls for a change in leadership – Obama’s unconscious moral compass guiding America to the truth about his fraudulent presidency and what we need to do. Just one example,” he said. “‘We supported a transition of leadership … because the interests of the people were not being served by a corrupt status quo.’ His secret call for a change in the U.S. presidency matches his inauguration speech story about how his foreign-born father could not have been served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant – suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president.”
Obama also called for a leader to emerge to lead the protests in the Middle East.
“We have seen peaceful transitions of power … a new president … a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament … Around the globe, people are making their voices heard,” Obama stated.
Hodges’ says Obama “again suggests that – should he win a second term – the people must march on Washington to oppose his presidency. Absolutely the only way he’ll ever be confronted.”
Hodges earlier said most people don’t understand the intensity and revelations in Obama’s statements.
He has, for example, endured a trauma that controls his life, and Hodges suggests Obama’s statements often imply “the exact opposite.”
In a column later, he wrote that research indicates the human subconscious reveals the truth about the person.
“Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God,” Hodges said. “Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.”
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