
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Obama: "You might as well have watched the RNC on Black & White TV

OpEd: Oh really Barry Barack Sotero/Davis  Hussein Obama would that be akin to 'Flash Gordon' or 'Yo Papa Davis'... Black and White Porn magazines?...Inquiring minds want to know! Should we shake in our proverbial boots now or after the November election? Guess we better shake now cause' after November your reign of terror will have been voted out of


URBANDALE - President Barack Obama, in Iowa to kick off a campaign swing, mockingly charged Saturday that the just-concluded Republican convention had showcased policies "better suited for the last century."

"You might as well have watched it on a black and white TV," Obama told a cheering crowd of thousands in Urbandale, outside Des Moines. The president was in Iowa — a pivotal battleground state — on the first stop of a push that will take him to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.
Obama recalled how his upset victory over Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses four years ago had revived his campaign at a time when pundits were predicting his political demise. "And it will be you, Iowa, who will choose the path we take from here."

The president took several shots at the Republican convention in Tampa, noting Romney did not mention Afghanistan in his acceptance speech on Thursday, and accusing his political foes of having outdated ideas. "It was something to behold. Despite all the challenges that we face in this new century what they offered over those three days was, more often than not, an agenda that was better suited for the last century," he said. "It was a re-run. We'd seen it before."
"If you didn't DVR it, let me recap it for you: Everything's bad, it's Obama's fault, and Governor Romney is the only one who knows the secret to creating jobs and growing the economy," he said. "That was the pitch."
"And when Governor Romney had his chance to let you in on his secret, he did not offer a single new idea. Just retreads of the same old policies that have been sticking it to the middle class for years," Obama charged.
A spokesman for Mitt Romney's campaign, Ryan Williams, hit back.
"President Obama dubbed this trip the 'Road to Charlotte' but his policies have taken us on a road to declining incomes, higher unemployment and more uncertainty for the middle class. And in the face of a record of failure, he offered no new solutions, just misleading attacks," Williams said.
Obama's greatest vulnerability is the sour economy, still sputtering nearly four years after he took office vowing to fix it. Stubbornly high unemployment and sluggish growth weigh down his hopes for a second term. The president's response has been to argue that he inherited an economic crisis of historic dimensions and that Romney's approach is to favor the rich at the expense of the middle class.

Republican vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan explicitly took on that argument explicitly in his speech. "We are four years into this presidency. The issue is not the economy as Barack Obama inherited it, not the economy as he envisions it, but this economy as we are living it," he said.

Feds End “Probe” Of Sheriff Joe Arpaio!

The federal government has closed a criminal probe of alleged financial misconduct by Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio, who styles himself as "America's toughest sheriff," saying no charges would be filed, the U.S. Attorney's Office said.
A separate federal investigation relating to allegations of civil rights abuses by Arpaio's office is continuing.
The announcement on Friday marked the end of an investigation that began in November 2010 at the behest of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to examine alleged financial improprieties by the county sheriff and his deputies.
A federal criminal inquiry into several of those matters was concluded last summer with the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona declining to initiate criminal charges.
Maricopa County authorities were informed on Friday that federal prosecutors likewise had declined to bring charges in connection with allegations that the sheriff's office had misused county credit cards or misspent money from jail facilities excise taxes.
In addition, the U.S. Attorney's Office declined to prosecute two former officials of the county attorney's office who were accused of wrongfully prosecuting a local judge.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ann Birmingham Scheel said in a statement that her office "is closing its investigation into allegations of criminal conduct by current and former members of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and the Maricopa County Attorney's Office."
Arpaio, 80, who is seeking re-election in November to a sixth term, has been under a separate federal inquiry since 2008 over allegations that he and his deputies engaged in an extensive pattern of civil rights abuses.

Arpaio has denied any wrongdoing.
Lisa Allen, a spokeswoman for his office, said the sheriff was flying back to Phoenix from the Republican National Convention in Florida, and was not immediately available for comment.
The Justice Department's long-running civil rights probe of Arpaio led to a lawsuit in May accusing the sheriff and his office of racial profiling and unlawful arrests of Latinos in a bid to crack down on illegal immigration.
The civil suit also accused Arpaio's office of routinely violating the constitutional free-speech rights of political opponents by retaliating against them through unsubstantiated legal action, including unlawful arrests.
© 2012 Thomson/Reuters. All rights reserved.

Obama speech to soldiers met with silence

President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.
His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hanger.
The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.
“Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.

The selected soldiers who were arrayed behind the president sat quietly throughout the speech.
CNN and MSNBC ended their coverage of the speech before it was half-over.
Full Story Here:
Obama speech to soldiers met with silence  

Obama Wants “Incumbent Protection” for Himself


Obama Dollars
Obama entertained a question and answer session on Reddit on Wednesday. One of the questions that he was asked was, “What are you going to do to end the corrupting influence of money in politics during your second term?” Here was his answer:

Money has always been a factor in politics, but we are seeing something new in the no-holds barred flow of seven and eight figure checks, most undisclosed, into super-PACs; they fundamentally threaten to overwhelm the political process over the long run and drown out the voices of ordinary citizens. We need to start with passing the Disclose Act that is already written and been sponsored in Congress — to at least force disclosure of who is giving to who. We should also pass legislation prohibiting the bundling of campaign contributions from lobbyists. Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United (assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t revisit it). Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change.

Obama references Citizens United v. FEC, a 2010 Supreme Court decision that struck down key parts of McCain-Feingold’s “Campaign Finance Reform” legislation that should have been called “The Incumbent Protection Act.” Campaign finance laws (written by incumbents) make it extremely difficult for someone successfully to run against an incumbent.
You always had to have money to run for political office, but money was not nearly as much of a factor earlier in our history as it is now. Not too long ago, we had mostly citizen representatives who would sometimes voluntarily go back to their lives and careers at home after their term was up. It was more of a civic responsibility. Turnaround was far greater then than it is today. Nowadays, politicians are celebrities. Since our government has continually voted to increase their own paychecks, give themselves benefits and pensions, people have been making careers out of being politicians.

Politics is now all about money and power. Our laws are written by lobbyists who work for big corporations and “special interest groups.” These corporations want congressmen and senators to make laws that eliminate their competition and give them more power. How do these lobbyists convince representatives to sponsor such legislation? Money. Campaign contributions. Expensive political advertisements. Or whatever else they want. Big corporations, “special interest groups” and politicians all want the same thing:  power. And these days, you get power with lots and lots of money. They don’t care about the Constitution unless it happens to benefit them in some way relating to money or power.
Once you get in the “system” and earn its trust by playing its game, the “system” will fight to keep you there. Our current system depends on spineless yes-men. The last thing Obama wants is to “get money out of politics.” On the contrary, he depends on it. He wants to eliminate his competition as much as possible to secure a second term. If you really want to get money out of politics, you have to elect statesmen with backbones who will not compromise their principles and be bought. Then, money won’t matter.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Paul Ryan you have some splainin' to Do..!

By:Jack  One must be fair and balanced to obtain the truth in all party nor candidate is exempt from scrutiny..!

You're going to be hearing a lot about the $716 billion. It's going to
be a major part of the Dems ad salvo. No money was taken, it was a
funding transfer and it was Republican sponsored. It was part of Paul
Ryans plan and pissed off  many Dems when Obama went along with it.
The Progressives were furious and Obama is still in hot water with
them because of it. Paul Ryan wanted it and he signed it. Now he wants
to use it against Obama!
Privatization is the end of SS and Medicare. A voucher isn't a
contract. It can be changed or canceled at any time exactly the same
as a coupon for a free donut. There will be no SS for the kids to
"choose". Once it's privatized it's gone forever. Do you really want to replace those
with a voucher? Do you really want to trust your survival to a Koch
family coupon?

Karl Rove jokes about 'murdering' GOP candidate

Ok Karl the time has come...please retire...go fly fishing or hunting with Dick Cheney..sorry you are not funny nor all that be frank you are quite boring!

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The office of Republican Rep. Todd Akin is reacting angrily to a quote attributed to GOP activist Karl Rove that joked about the idea of the Missouri Senate candidate being murdered. Bloomberg Businessweek’s website reported Friday that Rove’s comment came at a GOP donors’ breakfast at the Tampa Club in Florida. The site says Rove quipped to the audience: “We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!”
A Rove spokesman didn’t immediately return a call and email from The Associated Press seeking comment.

Rebellion erupts over school's student-chipping plan

by Bob Unruh 

A rebellion is developing in Texas against a plan by a school district in San Antonio that would monitor the exact location and activities of all students at all times through RFID chips they are being ordered to wear.
Katie Deolloz, a member of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, told WND today that parents and students from San Antonio’s Northside Independent School District confronted the school board last night, stating their concerns about privacy and other issues “clearly and passionately.”

School district officials did not respond to a WND request for comment, but the developing furor comes only days after a coalition of civil rights and privacy organizations publicly stated their opposition to “spychipping” the students.
A “position paper” from groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Big Brother Watch, Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, Constitutional Alliance, Freedom Force International, Friends of Privacy USA, the Identity Project and Privacy Activism said no students should be subjected to the “chipping” program “unless there is sufficient evidence of its safety and effectiveness.”
“Children should never be used as test subjects for technology, no matter what their socio-economic status. If schools choose to move forward without complete information and are willing to accept the associated liability, they should have provisions in place to adhere to the principles of fair information practices and respect individuals’ rights to opt out based on their conscientious and religious objections,” the statement said.
The paper said RFID tracking is dehumanizing, since it can “monitor how long a student or teacher spends in a bathroom stall.”

The plans also violate free speech and association, since the presence of a tracking device “could dissuade individuals from exercising their rights to freedom of thought, speech and association. For example, students might avoid seeking counsel when they know their RFID tags will document their presence at locations like counselor and School Resource Officer offices.”
It argued that the technology also violates religious freedom and could be subject to unauthorized use.

“While RFID systems may be developed for use in a school, the RFID tags may be read covertly anywhere by anyone with the right reading device. Since RFID reading devices work by silent, invisible radio waves and the reading devices can be hidden, unauthorized or covert uses can be nearly impossible to detect,” the report said.
“A student’s location could be monitored from a distance by a jealous girlfriend or boyfriend, stalker, or pedophile.”
The San Antonio plan was reported by Spychips, a website run by RFID expert Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre.
“San Antonio’s Northside Independent School District plans to incorporate RFID tags into mandatory student ID cards. One school district in Brazil has incorporated the tracking tags into uniforms. In both cases, the goal is to keep students, teachers and staff under constant surveillance,” the report said.
“RFID is used to track factory inventory and monitor farm animals,” said Albrecht, director of CASPIAN and co-author of “Spychips.” “Schools, of all places, should be teaching children how to participate in a free democratic society, not conditioning them to be tracked like cattle. Districts planning to use RFID should brace themselves for a parent backlash, protests, and lawsuits.”

According to the San Antonio newspaper, all students in the district’s John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School would be subject to chipping.
At that point, Supt. Brian Woods said, “We want to harness the power of (the) technology to make schools safer, know where our students are all the time in a school, and increase revenues. … Parents expect that we always know where their children are, and this technology will help us do that.”
WOAI television reported district spokesman Pasqual Gonzalez said the two schools have a high rate of truancy, and the district could gain $2 million in state funding by improving attendance.
However, student Andea Hernandez, with support from her father, has decided to challenge the district’s plan. The station reported she has decided to wear an older photo ID.
“With a smart phone you can use the option to use your locator, but this, I can’t turn it off,” she said.
Protests have been launched in front of the schools, and local stations are reporting the controversy: 

Albrecht said in a statement to supporters the issue now is before the school district, and protesters are awaiting the superintendent’s response.
“We don’t give up or give in,” she said.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The RNC Convention..!

Overall this convention has the attention of the electorate...the speeches were well presented to the point and even encompassed a little humor...which was refreshing! All we can do now is hope and pray after the new team takes office they begin from day one to restore all those rights we have lost under the Obama administration. To return our country to that of which it once was...moral,honest,fun, proud to be an American and a return  to the love of God..Our Creator.

I found Paul Ryan's speech to be impressionable,Mrs. Romney to be a proud wife mother and speaker,and of course the raw humor by Clint Eastwood and his saying there are more celebrities in the shadows who believe in conservative values...Nice to hear:)
Marco Rubio was well spoken however he played too much on his Cuban roots...he is criticized on his Immigration stances by the Tea Party
Mitt Romney did well...however I was disheartened not hearing anything about our soldiers and veterans...Sad really:(

So I will cast my vote for the Romney ticket praying this time we will not be let down...if we are this will be my last voting cycle...I have voted way too many times over the decades only to be disappointed after those who I voted for failed to live up to their promises.

Attention All MSM talking Heads Politicians et al..!

I have just about had it with y'all... all we hear is 'Listen to Me~ Vote for Me' ...'Donate~Donate to my Cause' ...Really and wtf is your cause?...Hello Soldiers drop out of college to serve and protect to make sure y'all have a voice..and where the hell is our voice...none~ zip~ notta...we serve and become broke ass..Y'all stay in college get the 'Big Breaks' get rich and talk shit!... Where is the Fair and Balanced here?

No matter we serve because we are true and fame never enter the picture...but at least try to give credit where credit is are who you are~ because others sacraficed and gave their all for pennies on the dollar...enjoy your rewards:

Cue the song: 

Shocking video evidence of Islamic crucifixion

by Michael Carl 

EDITOR’S NOTE: The image and video below are extremely graphic. View with caution. 

There’s shocking new evidence from the Middle East of crucifixion by Muslims, this time of a “spy” in Yemen who allegedly was accused of U.S. sympathies.
WND recently confirmed a Sky News Arabia report of the crucifixion of dissidents in Egypt.
According to a report by Lebanon Today translated into English, the Yemeni jihadist group Ansar al-Shariah took control of the Azzan area of Yemen and imposed Islamic law, or Shariah.
In the process, the group crucified three men, accusing them of being agents for the U.S. The executions reportedly took place several months ago.

Former PLO operative turned terrorism analyst Walid Shoebat says the inscription in the photo of one of the victims reads, “He was crucified for three days in accordance to Shariah.”
Shoebat says Lebanon Today reported the group carried out the Shariah-prescribed penalties, explaining the multiple executions were retribution for passing information to U.S. forces to carry out attacks by pilot-less drones.
According to Shoebat’s translation, the report said:
“One they nicknamed ‘Captain’ was executed by crucifixion for three days at the entrance to the city of Jaar in the Abyan province, to be viewed by passersby entering and leaving the city.
“Two Saudis and a Yemeni were also executed by the sword at dawn at the hands of Ansar al-Shariah, and [the terrorists] absolved [a] fourth defendant from execution for his young age..
“A leader in Ansar al-Islam claimed that these who were executed belong to the province of Marib, [and were executied] for planting trackers on cars that belong to al-Qaida leaders to be targeted by the drones.”

According to Shoebat, the article said an analyst in the region claimed the crucifixions are “something new.”
The report said:
“One researcher, Saeed Obaid Elaf, said that, ‘The incidents of these executions never occurred previously in Yemen but follows the sequence of events which occurred previously in Afghanistan and Iraq [where] … Islam is the religion of the state. In Iraq these [terrorists] see Iraq as the Islamic State of Iraq.
“‘In Afghanistan, the ones who receive this type of executions are those who are considered spies. But in Yemen this is the first time we have seen such phenomenon, which has become a natural thing now because al-Qaida now exercises the powers of the state and it’s natural that it carries out such executions.”

Besides the image of the Yemeni brutality (right), video has been posted online of the punishment.
The caption to the video explained it was a “spy who was executed by extremists for placing sensors in militant’s cars to direct U.S. attacks on them.”
“This occurred during the recent Yemeni revolution to oust the long serving president, when extremists took advantage of the lapse in security as the former president diverted his attention to fighting the revolution instead of extremists.”
Shoebat said his sources confirmed there had been eight executions about the same time, including three by crucifixion and another five by beheading.
At about the same time that the crucifixion was being reported in Egypt, President Mohamed Morsi was meeting with Egypt’s Christian leaders.

In a press statement about the Aug. 22 meeting, the Episcopal-Anglican Bishop of Egypt, Mouneer Hanna Anis, said he’s hopeful, according to the Arabic-language, Iranian state- owned satellite TV channel Al Alam.
“We told the president that we are aware that he received a heavy responsibility at a very difficult time in Egypt’s history and we all need to be patient and hard-working in order to see the desired fruits,” Anis said, according to the report, which was translated by Shoebat.
“The president assured us that he is working to achieve the dream of Egypt: to be a democratic and modern country where the rights of citizenship and the constitution are held up high,” Anis said.
Anis was optimistic.
“In the end, we came out of the meeting very encouraged and determined to do our best in order to see the Egypt that we dream of. Please pray for our president, for all religious leaders, and for our beloved country Egypt,” Anis said.
Shoebat believes that for Morsi, the meeting was a photo opportunity.
“It was ‘warm and fuzzy,’ but it seems that all the Christian leaders express support of Morsi and refused to join the August 24 demonstrations. They denounced public unrest against Morsi,” Shoebat said.
Ultimately, Shoebat believes the Christian leaders are showing support for Morsi out of fear.
Shoebat earlier said he’s not surprised by the crucifixions in Egypt, because the Parliament debated legalizing it as a method of execution in accordance with Shariah.

“The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leadership and the Salafist leaders who are in parliament definitely called on crucifixion as a form of punishment,” he said.
Shoebat said the crucifixion discussion has been around for some time, and he referenced an announcement by an Egyptian member of parliament from the Nour (Salafist) Party calling for ‘strict enforcement’ of Islamic law.
Conditions for Egypt’s Copts appear to be deteriorating significantly. A video posted on YouTube shows the Copts mourning the violence and reporting Muslims are kidnapping Coptic women and forcing them into slavery.
See the Arabic report: 

Shoebat said the story is heartbreaking.
“When you watch the two scenes by the priest and by the woman you will think this must be a movie, but it’s not, it’s real. … They have been trying to get their voices out to no avail, but it was all in Arabic,” Shoebat said.
“No one is listening. Brace yourself for some serious shock therapy. This is a very serious subject, and I will raise a stink, from here to the White House. People need to see it!” Shoebat said.
WND’s earlier report cited an Arabic-language video news report from Abu Dhabi-based Sky News Arabia. It confirmed a WND story about the latest method of attack on Christians in Egypt.

WND previously reported on the claims of crucifixion, but the reports had been challenged, with one writer at Canada’s National Post calling it a “hoax.”
But the English translation of a section of the Sky News report, circled in red in the video, states members of the Muslim Brotherhood “crucified” dissidents “naked on trees in front of the presidential palace.”
Under the headline “Crucified Dissidents In Front of the Presidential Palace,” the report, translated into English, said:
“Samir Omar – Cairo
“Arabic Sky News
“Sky News correspondent confirmed that members of the Muslim Brotherhood crucified dissidents to Muhammad Mursi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace. In addition, other demonstrators from the Muslim Brotherhood closed the gates not allowing entry to Media City in the area of Sixth of October as they attacked popular media figures. The demonstrators also yelled slogans denouncing the Farayeen TV station Tawfiq Akasheh and others whom they termed ‘Corrupt Media’ as one attacked the editor of Yaum Sabi’ (Seventh Day) Newspaper Khalid Salah. Eyewitnesses also confirmed that groups from the Muslim Brotherhood arrived in special buses and motor vehicles attacking with signs that say ‘The Media of Corruption.’ These groups then were divided in sections to close the entryways blocking entry and exit from Media City.”
Several Arab newspapers also referenced the crucifixions, and a number of websites reported them, including one that posted an image of a man who had been targeted but apparently survived with a gaping wound in his side.
Said Shoebat of the image: “Al Dostour, a reputable Egyptian newspaper under the title ‘The Muslim Brotherhood Crucify Dissidents in Front of The Presidential Palace in Egypt,’ showed a photo that was originally taken by al-Watan News of a man the Egyptian security forces saved. The side of his flesh looks as it has been literally eaten away, its a gruesome photo which can be seen with the full article.”
Tunisia-Sat also reported on the crucifixions, Shoebat said.
Yet another site posted a photo of the Sky News article, including what apparently is a naked man who was rescued. The report, translated for WND by another Arabic translator, states the Muslim Brotherhood crucified several protesters against the president of Egypt in front of the presidential palace.

To see the video go to :

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Media silent as liberals on Twitter call for Ann Romney's death

By: Joe Newby
Liberals on Twitter call for Ann Romney's death.
On Wednesday, liberals on Twitter called for the death of Ann Romney, the wife of GOP nominee Mitt Romney, Twitchy reported. As of this writing, the so-called "mainstream media" has refused to report on the hateful threats issued on the social media site.
"I want to murder Ann Romney right now," tweeted "Gregory Martinez."
Some called for Mrs. Romney to commit suicide.
"Why does Ann Romney act like an average mom? B***h kill yourself, you had maids taken care of your f*****g kids," another person said.
"Ann Romney Need To Kill Her Husband Then Kill Herself (sic)," said another.
"Ann Romney needs to die," tweeted Quinn McGregor.

Twitchy added that other Republican women were targeted with hateful, misogynistic tweets.
Liberals went after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Senator Kelly Ayotte with some of the most vile language imaginable.
"The Left’s For The Women card expired long ago. It needs to be confiscated and cut up into little pieces now," the Twitchy staff added.
"War on women? It’s real. But it comes from the Left. A woman dares to refuse to walk in woman-hating Democrat lockstep? She must be attacked, punitively shamed and have her very gender taken away from her. Because, shut up. How dare she have a mind of her own? Now, she deserves to die for believing in conservative principles and freedom. It is weaponized misogyny, literally," Twitchy said.
Ironically, Democrats and their media allies continue to push the idea that Republicans are engaged in a "war on women."
Related articles:
Do liberals really want a second civil war in America?
More on liberal hate at here.

WHOA – Clint Eastwood To Speak At RNC Convention?



Exclusive: Clint Eastwood Headed to Tampa for RNC

A well-placed Republican source tells Townhall that Oscar-winning director and actor Clint Eastwood will travel to Tampa, Florida to attend Mitt Romney’s nominating convention this week.  As the news mediascrambles to identify the so-called “mystery speaker” scheduled to address GOP delegates on Thursday evening, some have speculated that the iconic Hollywood figure could fit the bill.  Our source — who spoke on the condition of anonymity — could not confirm if Eastwood is, in fact, the intriguing “to-be-announced” speaker, but stated unequivocally that the Dirty Harry star will arrive in Florida late on Wednesday or early on Thursday, and will return to southern California on Friday.  Eastwoodendorsed Romney earlier this month and backed Sen. John McCain’s presidential bid in 2008.  He also attracted political buzz when he cut a controversial Super Bowl ad for Chrysler earlier this year, which some viewed as a tacit message in favor of President Obama.  If he is the RNC mystery man, Eastwood would address Republican delegates just prior to Sen. Marco Rubio’s introduction of Romney in primetime on Thursday night. 

That would be quite a move by the Romney team – certain to appeal to a wide cross section of American voters…

Cue Dirty Harry..:)


The return of Obama's 'body man'

by Jerome R. Corsi 
The former personal aide to Barack Obama known as the president’s “body man,” Reggie Love, resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss.
Hired as Obama’s “deputy political director,” the Duke University basketball and football star was the constant companion of the president for two years before resigning last November.

The White House explained Love had decided to pursue further studies at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, but the Internet, at the time, was abuzz with speculation that Love was dismissed because of the wide circulation of compromising photographs of him when he was a college student. The photos purported to show a heavily inebriated Love surrounded by fellow students assisting him in engaging in a homosexual act at a party on the rival University of North Carolina campus.
In the interview with CNN Monday, Love portrayed Obama as a cool-headed leader who doesn’t let problems ruffle him.
“I think it looks like he’s really, really calm all the time and nothing gets under his skin, but I think from an efficiency standpoint, you know, you can cry about the call or you can look to the next play,” Love told CNN. “And if you spend your time crying about the call, usually you, you miss the next play. And then … instead of having one bad play, now you have two.”

Today, the Drudge Report – which has toyed with headlines, photos and page placement over the years that give the impression Love was something more than a presidential assistant – linked to the story with the headline: “Reggie Love Speaks: Obama leads like he plays … ”
The headline was positioned above a story about former Florida Republican Gov. Charlie Crist’s key speaking role at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. The link was illustrated with a photo of Obama and Crist in which they appear to be preparing to kiss.
The embarrassing photos of Love as a college student have appeared and disappeared with regularity on various websites over the past year.
Earlier this month, when Obama asked Love to join the U.S. official delegation to the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics, reunion photos of Obama and Love showed them “fist bumping” in the Oval Office – a practice Love supposedly introduced to Obama.
Who is Reggie Love?
Love, a graduate of Duke University with a B.A. in political science and public policy, started working in 2006 in a low-level staff position in then-Sen. Obama’s office after failing NFL tryouts with the Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys in 2004 and 2005.

In 2007, just before Obama’s presidential primary campaign was launched, Love moved up to assume the position of “personal assistant” to the candidate, a role typically dubbed as a “body man,” responsible for up-close and personal contact with Obama on virtually a 24-7 basis. As the New York Times reported, the job required anything from carrying Obama’s coat or briefcase, to providing him “cool” Jay-Z music for his iPod, to sneaking off to the gym and playing basketball.
In April 2009, Love won the Huffington Post’s “Who’s the White House’s hottest employee?” contest.
In January 2009, ESPN dubbed Love “Chief of Stuff” in an article that featured the following personal commentary:
Love walks in Obama’s shadow for about 18 hours a day, anticipating all his needs. He wakes up Obama around dawn, works out with him in the morning, answers his cell phone during the day and hangs out with him at night. Much of the time, he carries a black duffle bag stuffed with any drugstore item Obama could possibly need, including mouthwash, Wetnaps, aspirin, Nicorette and ballpoint pens. If the presumptive nominee were to spill something on his tie moments before a nationally televised debate, Love would rescue him with Tide stain remover.

Love played on the 2001 Duke University basketball team that won the NCAA national championship. He was suspended the following year, however, for a drunk-driving incident in which he did not receive a citation because his blood alcohol measured just below the level of legal intoxication.
A further indiscretion with alcohol proved more costly.
Was it the photos?
The embarrassing photographs first gained wide circulation March 16, 2009, when the blog Booker Rising, a self-described “news site for black moderates and black conservatives,” linked to them.
Three photographs of the incident began appearing and disappearing on various Internet websites.
Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen, writing in his subscription-only newsletter on Nov. 14, 2011,, suggested that in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State, the photos of Love as a Duke student were too much for the White House:

The fallout from Penn State has universities and colleges across the nation checking their records for indications of child abuse and other scandals. … Past gay-oriented sex parties at Duke and the University of North Carolina involving then Duke basketball and football player Reggie Love reportedly cost him his job as President Obama’s ‘body man.’ De facto White House chief of staff Pete Rouse, upon hearing of potential problems regarding Love at Duke and UNC and on the heels of the scandal at Penn State, forced Love to leave the White House staff immediately, even over the objections of Obama.
When Love departed, Obama was quoted in a statement issued by the White House saying, “Over the years, Reggie has been a friend, a teammate and an indispensible member of my staff.”
Obama said Love’s “ability to juggle so many responsibilities with so little sleep has been an inspiration to watch.”
“He is the master of what he does,” Obama said. “And even though I will miss seeing Reggie every day, I want to thank him for his service and wish him all the best as he begins a new chapter in his career.”

Meanwhile, HillBuzz, a website founded and edited by former Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer Kevin DuJan, challenged the White House’s explanation for Love’s departure.
DuJan, an openly gay man who is now a tea party activist, has an ongoing section of his website devoted to the question “Is Barack Obama Gay?”
On Nov. 10, 2011, DuJan published the following under the title “BIZARRE: White House releases statement on breakup of Barack Obama and his boyfriend Reggie Love”:
The White House today issued a historic and unprecedented press release – where a male President of the United States has announced his breakup with a male staffer and longtime lover.
In the press release, the term ‘body man’ is used instead of ‘boyfriend,’ ‘lover’, ‘paramour’, ‘special friend’, ‘f***buddy’, or all sorts of other appropriate vocabulary. But if you’re someone who hasn’t been in a coma for the last couple of years, you know the real deal.

As WND reported, speculation about Obama’s sexuality has roiled beneath the radar of establishment media, fed, among other things, by Larry Sinclair’s sensational claims of cocaine-fueled homosexual acts with Obama in Chicago and reports of Obama’s “transgender nanny” in Indonesia.
A former radical activist from Occidental College who has recounted a 1980 encounter in which Obama affirmed revolutionary Marxist views, John Drew, told WND in an interview his strong impression at the time was that Obama and the wealthy Pakistani roommate who accompanied him were homosexual lovers.
Drew, who founded the Marxist-socialist club at Occidental to which Obama belonged, said he met the future president in December 1980 when Drew was a 23-year-old second-year graduate student at Cornell University.
Obama, a 19-year-old sophomore at Occidental at the time, was with diminutive Pakistani roommate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo.
“I really had the feeling that Obama was Chandoo’s ‘boy toy,’” Drew told WND.
Drew, who earned a Ph.D. from Cornell, is an a award-winning political scientist who taught political science and economics at Williams College.

In previously published accounts of his meeting –dating from the 2008 presidential campaign – Drew made clear his conclusion that Obama and Chandoo were both Marxist revolutionaries. Contrary to Drew, who remarked he was not as radical as Obama, Obama believed a violent, communist revolution was coming to the U.S.
In the interview with WND, Drew focused on his suspicion the two were romantically involved.
“The first time I saw Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo together, I thought they were a wealthy gay couple,” Drew said.
“In fact, they looked so gay that my girlfriend, Caroline Boss, whispered to me, ‘They’re not gay.’ So, that confirmed to me I wasn’t the only one who thought Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo looked like they were in a very close, intimate relationship.”
Drew admitted he was confused about Chandoo’s sexuality, considering it possible the Pakistani was bisexual, especially after he learned Occidental classmate Margo Mifflin was Chandoo’s girlfriend at the time.

“I remembered Mifflin from my senior year at Occidental when we had both participated in various protest events on campus,” Drew commented. “I had the impression that Mifflin was living with Chandoo and Obama in Chandoo’s apartment in Pasadena.”
Drew told WND he was not aware at the time of his 1980 meeting that Obama was wearing a gold-band ring on the wedding ring finger of his left hand.
He first learned of it in two articles WND published showing Obama was wearing the ring from his years at Occidental College, from 1979 to 1981, through 1990, when a satirical issue of the Harvard Law Review referred to it.

Michelle Obama Quotes Saul Alinsky in Campaign Speech

Last night Michelle Obama used lines from Rules for Radicals, a radical Far Left book by Saul Alinsky (“father of community organizing” and a notorious far-left radical) in her DNC Convention speech.

Gateway Pundit nailed her:
What to make of Michelle Obama’s use the terms, “The world as it is” and “The world as it should be?” From whence do they originate? Try Chapter 2 of Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals.
“Barack stood up that day,” talking about a visit to Chicago neighborhoods, “and spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about “The world as it is” and “The world as it should be…” And, “All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won’t do – that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.”

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals:
“The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means… The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be.

Dan Reihl writes that although Gateway Pundit points out that Michelle Obama quoted concepts from Rules for Radicals in her speech last night and suggests she heard it in church, more likely, it was Barack Obama that came up with it due to the individual who started him off in his activist pursuits – Jerry Kellman, an organizer working on Chicago’s far South Side.
Kellman was an Alinsky protege.
After college Obama moved to Chicago to be part of the Jerry Kellman organization as a community organizer. [Kellman was a Saul Alinsky protege.] Among the primary goals of Alinsky was radical socialism and redistribution of wealth. Alinsky taught his proteges to “HIDE” their true goals by any means necessary. Lying was fine. The objective of Alinsky and Kellman was to turn people against the white establishment.
Do the Obamas really think that all America is as blind as the Obamanauts and starry-eyed Democrats at the convention so as to not see through the Obama’s ‘touchy-feely, God and country’ charade – aware of their Marxist agenda and what they are really saying?


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bacon in a Park is a ‘Hate Crime’ but Not a Crucifix in Urine

by: Gary DeMar

Hate crimes are beginning to stack up. But determining what constitutes a “hate crime” is in the eye of the beholder. Actually, it’s in the eye of liberals who only see criminal activity when it’s leveled at one of their protected classes. Here’s the latest insanity. While California has been described as the “land of fruits and nuts,” New York is competing to be the fruitiest and nuttiest land of them all.
“Police are investigating an unusual bias crime on Staten Island. Muslims who gathered for prayer to celebrate the end of Ramadan in a city park found bacon scattered on the ground. . . . [B]efore most of the faithful arrived for Morning Prayer, it was discovered that someone had scattered a quantity of raw bacon on the field.”
“‘This has been determined to be a bias event on the part of our Hate Crimes Task Force,’ NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters.” 

Where were our government officials when artist and photographer Andres Serrano unveiled his “Piss Christ”? It was a photograph of a “small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist’s urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s ‘Awards in the Visual Arts’ competition, which is sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects.”
What was the response from the art community? Here’s one example:
“The art critic Lucy R. Lippard has presented a constructive case for the formal value of Serrano’s Piss Christ, which she characterizes as mysterious and beautiful. She writes that the work is ‘a darkly beautiful photographic image . . . the small wood and plastic crucifix becomes virtually monumental as it floats, photographically enlarged, in a deep rosy glow that is both ominous and glorious.’ Lippard suggests that the formal values of the image can be regarded separately from other meanings.”

In 2010, there was the A Fire in My Belly video that was being shown at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, another government-funded institution. It was later moved to the Museum of Modern Art in New York where it was safe and protected from critics. The video included a scene with a crucifix covered in ants
Wendy Olsoff, a co-owner of the New York City art gallery that manages David Wojnarowicz’s work, said the artist frequently used animals and insects to represent metaphors for interactions in human society. “This was not hate speech,” she said. “It’s a compassionate look at how we live. He’s overlaying the insect world on the human world. … And he used ants in a series of surreal images, using them on guns, clocks and toy soldiers.”
As long as the ants were also crawling on non-religious items that meant that the video was “art” and not an expression of hate.
But it turns out that the bacon was left there for stray animals and had nothing to do with intimidating Muslims. The person who put the bacon in the park made these comments on a radio show:
“I had put the bacon there. It was going bad in my trunk and I put it out for the scavengers like the opossums and the raccoons and sea gulls, and I did not intend for that to cause anybody any problems.”
Maybe the police who were put on “bacon patrol” looking for a “hate” crime were the same officers who shot the nine bystanders near the Empire State Building last week.

Now we Need their Retirement Accounts..!

You Were Warned Over & Over Again!

The Government's Plot to Seize Private Retirement Accounts, continues..
The Federal Reserve and The Treasury Department, need your Retirement Accounts.
China No longer buys our Treasury (debt) Bonds, the Feds are Forced to Buy Over 61% of Unsold Treasury Bonds. The Treasury Department needs New Buyers... You! The Equity in IRA's & 401k's, will keep the System from Total Collapse!

The Supreme Court's ruling on Obama Care, has Opened the Door for more Socialistic Government Programs. Discover the New Steps that have been taken toward Nationalizing IRA's & 401k's!
  • Who's behind the Plot
  • The New Proposed Legislation
  • Who will be in charge of the equity
  • What States are already in the works
  • What will they do with Your IRA's & 401k's
  • and much more..

Everyone Knows Obama will lose 2012...!

And what does the GOP do...well they give us Romney/Ryan....just more of the same ol' Milk Toast Good ol' Boy GOP...hello the GOP was formed after the old Whig Party became just another arm of the Dem Party..we are seeing history repeat....yes you will get our vote because another 4years of Obama would be a disaster...however come 2016 you also will be removed...we needed real change Palin/West so we will gear up to replace y'all come 2016  unless ya see the light at the convention and give the nomination to Palin/West! Your call ya want short term or long term relief? The Oath Keepers and the Tea Party support Palin/West! :

Song Dedication to Palin/West: we hear your pain!

Beat the Corrupt Obama Voting in November...!

Attention all legal voters...when you cast your vote in November whether or not voter ID is required at your polling place... show your Drivers license before signing on the dotted line...make sure the registrar looks at it...can you imagine the number of illegal voters behind you withdrawing from the line and exiting stage left for the door! GET OUT THE LEGAL VOTE

Rob The Vote

As "ROB THE VOTE" documents, Obama's reelection strategy – besides bribing his core constituencies in hopes of cobbling together a winning voting coalition – is to encourage, enable and empower widespread abuse of America's election system in a multiplicity of ways.

After all, non-citizens, illegal aliens, felons, multiple-state voters, dead people and other ineligible voters constitute a vital Obama constituency. And make no mistake, the left's get-out-the-illegal-vote campaign is in full swing.

Highlighted in one "ROB THE VOTE" report is the most disgraceful of all abuses of America's election system – the consistent suppression, disqualification and mishandling of votes cast by America's soldiers (who statistically lean Republican) who are deployed overseas while protecting their nation. Believe it or not, for the November 2010 midterm election, less than 5 percent of military voters "were able to cast an absentee ballot that counted," according to data released by the federal Election Assistance Commission.

In another in-depth report in this issue, researcher James Simpson sums up the left's campaign to corrupt America's election system thusly: "Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multifaceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the community-organizer-in-chief, Barack Obama."

Highlights of "ROB THE VOTE" include: •  "The election fraud lobby" by Joseph Farah, on today's vast network obsessed with winning "by any means necessary"

•  "Rob the vote" by David Kupelian, on Obama's little-known plans for winning a second term in the White House

•  "Suppressing the military vote – again" by Art Moore, on how America's soldiers are routinely denied the right the vote

•  "Less than 5 percent of military voters ‘were able to cast an absentee ballot that counted'"

•  "The left's national vote fraud strategy exposed" by James Simpson, a comprehensive look at the long-term, multi-faceted campaign aimed at taking over America by corrupting her elections

•  "Surprise! Taxpayers still paying for ‘defunct' criminal vote-fraud group"

•  "Study: U.S. voter rolls include 2 million dead people"

•  "Proof of voter fraud in nation's capital" by Chuck Norris, on videos that show why Obama depends on mind-boggling laxity at polling places

•  Obama readying ‘thousands of lawyers' for November election

•  "The Democrats' election forgery racket" by Michelle Malkin
•  "Getting out the illegal alien vote" by Art Moore, on Arizonans' battle with the Obama administration to uphold federal immigration law

•  "DOJ tries to stop Florida from purging voter list of non-citizens"

•  "Has Obama turned over vote-counting to foreigners?" – profiling how a Spain-based firm's purchase of one U.S. company is raising lots of red flags

•  "National campaign solicits foreigners to register to vote" by Michael Carl

•  "Thousands of fraud cases just 'tip of the iceberg'" by Bob Unruh, in which election monitors warn that current abuse could lead to a "total breakdown in cohesion of American society"

•  "Obama's new scheme for stuffing ballot boxes" by former congressman Tom Tancredo, on how Eric Holder plans to "fundamentally transform" America's elections

•  "NAACP asks U.N. to judge American voter-ID laws" – about how communist and Muslim nations are being asked to assess U.S. fairness

•  "Democrats treat minorities like imbeciles" by Phil Elmore, exposing the absolute insanity of opposing photo-ID voting requirement

•  "The absurd myth of ‘GOP voter suppression'" by Hans von Spakovsky, on how widespread propaganda denies the existence of voter fraud, despite massive evidence
•  "Rolling Stone magazine: Voter fraud is a right-wing myth"

•  "Please – photo ID me!" by Star Parker, on why restoring integrity to America's elections is a matter of freedom instead of slavery

•  "Dead dogs for Obama" by Roger Hedgecock, who points out that it's not just deceased humans that are being targeted by ‘get-out-the-vote' groups. 
"Don't read this issue of Whistleblower if you have high blood pressure," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "What leftist activists are doing with the aid of the Obama Justice Department is beyond outrageous."

He added: "They must be stopped from totally corrupting America's electoral system. There's really no more important or consequential battle in our country today."

Monday, August 27, 2012

The strange, strange story of 'gay fascism' deniers

OpEd: Jack
The  DHS surely smacks of Gay Fascism the department is ripe with LGBTQA staff..!


By Dr. Scott Lively 
There has been an article floating around the Internet for a long time by a self-described “gay left-wing man” named Johann Hari, a columnist for the London Independent. The article is titled “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists,” and you can read it for yourself at the vehemently pro-”gay” Huffington Post website. It contains the remarkably forthright admission that homosexuality and fascism have always gone hand in hand. Hari writes:

“The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was – including the gay-gassing, homocidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past 30 years have been gay. It’s time to admit something. Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is – in part, at least – a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.”
Now, I have a special interest in this article because I am the co-author, along with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” which makes a nearly identical claim, but one backed with nearly 400 pages of documentation.
What I find most interesting about Hari’s article is that it has garnered virtually no opposition. The few comments on the HuffPo page are mostly benign, and if you do a search on Hari’s name you find not a single suggestion that his article constitutes “Holocaust revisionism” or that he, himself, is a “homophobic bigot.” That’s very strange, because I’ve been called both a revisionist and a bigot for writing “The Pink Swastika.” Indeed, the Southern Poverty Law Center (that legendary beacon of fair-mindedness) has labeled me a “hate group” for writing it (though they refuse to publicly debate me on the issue).

On a recent speaking trip to Oklahoma City, my arrival was featured in the newspaper in a story characterizing me as a “Holocaust revisionist.” This label has been permanently added to the “gay” activist talking points about me, as well as the canard that “the book has been discredited by historians.” It has not.
The Hari article is not the only admission by homosexuals that the Nazi Party was filled with “gays.” At least a fifth of the sources we cited in “The Pink Swastika” were homosexuals. For example, consider this incredible statement by Ludwig Lenz, the “gay” assistant director of the Berlin Institute of Sexology (headquarters of Germany’s “gay” movement in the 1920s and early ’30s) following the attack on the Institute by Nazi Brownshirts May 6, 1933.
“Why was it then, since we were completely non-party, that our purely scientific Institute was the first victim which fell to the new regime? The answer to this is simple …We knew too much. It would be against medical principles to provide a list of the Nazi leaders and their perversions [but] … not 10 percent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal. … Our knowledge of such intimate secrets regarding members of the Nazi Party and other documentary material – we possessed about forty thousand confessions and biographical letters – was the cause of the complete and utter destruction of the Institute of Sexology.” [Haeberle, Irwin J. "Swastika, Pink Triangle, and Yellow Star: The Elite Rights Committee," 1992 p. 369.] (Is Haeberle some fringe conservative? Far from it. See

How about this quote from Adolf Brand, editor of Der Eigene, the first homosexual magazine in Germany.
“Men such as Captain Roehm [Hitler's 'gay' mentor], are, to our knowledge, no rarity at all in the National Socialist Party. It rather teems there with homosexuals of all kinds. And the joy of man in man, which has been slandered in their papers so often as an oriental vice although the Edda frankly extols it as the highest virtue of the Teutons, blossoms around their campfires and is cultivated and fostered by them in a way done in no other male union that is reared on party politics. The threatened hanging on the gallows, with which they allege they want to exterminate homosexuals, is therefore only a horrible gesture that is supposed to make stupid people believe that the Hitler people, in the matter of male-to-male inclinations, are all as innocent as pigeons and pure as angels, just like the pious members of the Christian Society of the Virgin. …” [Oosterhuis, Harry, and Kennedy, Hubert (eds.). "Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany: the youth movement, the gay movement and male bonding before Hitler's rise: original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world." New York, Harrington Park Press, 1991.] (Both Oosterhuis and Kennedy are “gay” college professors and historians.)
The Washington Blade, the newspaper of the homosexual community in Washington, D.C., reported on the research of John Fout, a “gay” history professor at Bard College in New York:

“The Nazis shut down the two or three active gay political organizations that had been operating in German (sic) as soon as Hitler took power in 1933. However, according to Fout, gay bars and bathhouses remained open until the late 1930s. … ‘The gay urban subculture survived the Nazi period,’ said Fout.” ["Researcher says Nazi persecution not systematic," The Washington Blade, May 22, 1998.]
Jewish homosexual Gad Beck, director of Berlin’s Jewish Adult Education Center, also challenged “gay” dogma on the degree to which homosexuals were persecuted in Germany. In his book, “An Underground Life: Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin,” Beck claims, “There was no problem be[ing] a homosexual Jew. Everyone turned a blind eye to whatever we boys were up to with each other” and cited only one case of the Nazis persecuting a homosexual man. [Beck in "Fearless under the Fuhrer," The Advocate, Oct. 26, 1999.]
These are just a few of dozens of citations to “gay” sources in “The Pink Swastika.”
But back to Hari and the problem of “gay fascism” deniers. At the end of his lengthy article, in which he corroborates a great many facts cited in “The Pink Swastika” and adds quite a number that we were not aware of, Hari states:
“The growing awareness of the role gay men play in fascist movements has been abused by some homophobes. In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called ‘The Pink Swastika,’ the ‘historian’ Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely ‘gay-on-gay violence.’ A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, ‘”The Pink Swastika” shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves.’”

Herein lies the core of the problem. Leftists will abide one of their own who dares to tell the truth about homosexuality in the Nazi Party, but let a pro-family conservative compile their admissions into a single document and it becomes “an especially nutty work of revisionist history.” The book does not, by the way, “blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and [describe] the murder of gay men in the camps as merely ‘gay-on-gay violence.’” That is a misrepresentation, something Hari was especially good at until he was suspended by the Independent for plagiarism in 2011.
In contrast to his self-serving (and “gay” cause-serving) libel about “The Pink Swastika,” Hari’s recitation of the facts about homo-fascism in history (as well as those of other “gay” sources) have an especially high degree of trustworthiness. They fall within a category of testimony that our judicial system calls “admissions against interest.” Homosexualists can be expected to insult pro-family conservatives, and one rightly suspects their opinions of being biased. But when a died-in-the-wool “gay” activist writer like Hari tells you that “gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was,” and “all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past 30 years [except LePen] have been gay,” you can take it to the bank.
So what about those hard leftists like the Southern Poverty Law Center folks and other homosexualist “experts” who know the truth about “gay” fascism but suppress it? Well, that’s what “The Pink Swastika” is for: to be a resource filled with undeniable facts to show up the dishonest “deniers” for who they really are. I urge you to pick up a copy of “The Pink Swastika” at the WND Superstore, but in the meantime you are invited to read a free PDF of Chapter 1 to see the truth for yourself.

Akin not far off base in rape comment

 Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin, under fire for his controversial comments about rape

By Jane M. Orient, M.D.
“From what I understand from doctors, that’s (conception as a result of rape) really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.” – Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo.
All decent people, including U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin, agree that forcible rape is a heinous crime. Almost all would agree that illegitimate (false) accusations of rape occur – there’s the case of the Duke lacrosse players, for example.
All reasonable people, including Todd Akin, agree that pregnancy can result from forcible rape – but there is scientific disagreement on how likely it is.

A 1988 textbook, the second edition of “Human Sex and Sexuality” by Edwin B. Steen and James H. Price, estimates a 2 percent pregnancy rate. A 2012 textbook, “Comprehensive Gynecology,” 6th edition, gives an estimate of between 2 percent and 5 percent and states that “in the experience of most sexual assault centers, the chance of pregnancy occurring is quite low.” Estimates depend on flawed methods, with inevitable biases. An experiment to give an accurate figure is, of course, impossible. And does the estimate really matter to the woman who has been raped? Either she gets pregnant, or she doesn’t.
Is the risk of pregnancy lower with forcible rape, and if so, why? Off the cuff, Todd Akin gave a layman’s restatement of the point made by some pro-life physicians that the female body has some defense mechanisms against pregnancy in cases of rape.
The process of fertilization, implantation and maintenance of pregnancy is an intricate one, highly dependent on hormonal signals. Stress is conceded to make miscarriage more likely by disrupting the hormonal milieu. What could be more stressful than a forcible rape?

The intensity of the media outrage against Akin’s remark shows that this is not a scientific dispute about numbers, or the definition of “really rare.” Medical science is being replaced by political demagoguery about the issue of rape.
Rape clearly involves a forcible penetration of a woman’s body, without her consent, almost always by a man. It is painful and causes harm – not just physical injury but often lifelong, serious emotional distress: flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, difficulty forming normal relationships and even guilt.

Starting from one extreme, some radical feminists appear to believe that most if not all sex involving a man and a woman is a rape. The man is always the perpetrator, and the woman, a victim. Clearly, there are activities that are not forcible rape and do not involve the same emotional reaction, but are still not legitimate. These would include statutory rape, “date rape” and seduction. To suggest that a woman ‘s dress or behavior might in some cases have contributed is, of course, unacceptable.
At the other extreme, radical Muslims appear to believe that rape rarely if ever occurs, and that all non-marital contact between a man and a woman is illegitimate and the fault of the temptress. From the fury directed at Akin, you’d think he had advocated Shariah law and “honor” killings.
Then there’s the question of what to do if rape leads to pregnancy. Should there be a death penalty for rape? In the U.S., few advocate executing the rapist. Under Shariah, the rape victim might be executed, at least if she is not pregnant. But what about the rapist’s baby?

What happens in an abortion? A woman’s body is penetrated by instruments, usually in the hands of a man. The woman will have signed a consent form – but all too often because she felt she had “no choice.” The procedure is painful and bloody. Occasionally, serious physical injury occurs, sometimes even causing death of the mother. Judging from the million or so postings on the nonjudgmental website, long-term emotional consequences are not uncommon, whatever official medical publications might say.
This procedure is almost always “legitimate” (legal) in the U.S. by order of the U.S. Supreme Court. It is the most common elective surgical procedure. We have lost as much as one-third of our younger generation because of it. The vast majority of Americans have been touched by it in some way. Of course it is emotional and divisive.
Politicians who claim to be pro-life are often adamant about preserving an exception for rape or incest. This exception is a fig leaf over the reality of what an abortion is. Coming too close to The Question is feared to jeopardize the chance to gain political power.
Akin’s phrasing became a convenient pretext for raising a disproportionate clamor as a diversion from the real problem. Those politicians and commentators who are calling for Akin’s head have signaled where their priorities lie.

Jane Orient, M.D., is the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Facebook Approved “Kill Mitt Romney” Page

mr fFB
Apparently, Facebook approved a “Kill Mitt Romney” page that was put up and left up over 17 days. I pointed out that Twitter followed a similar example in the George Zimmerman case a few months ago.
The description for the page indicates its purpose, which is a directly threat on the life of Mitt Romney stating,

“This is a page advocating the murder of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.”
What’s even more disturbing is the page had 30 likes!
While many users complained about the page and rightly so, all they received was an email stating the following: 
Thanks for your recent report of a potential violation on Facebook. After reviewing your report, we were not able to confirm that the specific page you reported violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
Learn more about what we do and don’t allow by reviewing the Facebook Community Standards:

Give us feedback to let us know how we are doing.

According to Facebook’s community standards, users are prohibited from “credibly (threatening) harm to others, or (organizing) acts of real-world violence.” The community standards goes on to read:

Safety is Facebook’s top priority. You may not credibly threaten to harm others, or organize acts of real-world violence. We remove content and may escalate to law enforcement when we perceive a genuine risk of physical harm, or a direct threat to public safety. We also prohibit promoting, planning or celebrating any of your actions if they have, or could, result in financial harm to others, including theft and vandalism.

Even as I was researching the issue, the page has been pulled from Facebook. It’s previous residence was here. Apparently word got out and hundreds of people flooded Facebook with protests about the page, which apparently drew more than an automated response.
One wonders if things like this will continue Facebook’s downward spiral among Wall Street Stocks. One thing is for sure, no one should be threatening anyone’s life. It’s good Facebook finally pulled the page, even if it took an avalanche of emails reporting it to do so.

US Commander Excuses Muslim Troop Murderers

OpEd: Jack I'm Sorry but General John Allen, the top U.S. commander in out of his mind!..Obviously he  has spent way too much time behind a desk and not in combat..He is no LTC Allen West who is akin to Ret General former LTC Moore...who actually saw the enemy first hand ..Folks this is why we need real Leaders in the WH as well as policy Officers in the Military...enough is enough of the Limp Wristed leaders ! Cue: 

Read WND by Doug Book:

Floor fight: Grass-roots activists battle attempt to rig GOP convention delegate rules

By Michelle Malkin

Drew McKissick is a longtime conservative activist and blogger who is in attendance at the Republican National Convention’s Rules Committee meetings. He and others on the ground are sounding the alarm over rules changes that he and many other attendees believe will hurt grass-roots movement conservatives. The battle is being cast by some observers as a narrow fight between Ron Paul advocates and the rest of the party. Drew says that’s not true. And many other state delegations who oppose top-down delegate choices are chiming in.
First, here’s Drew’s call to arms (my emphasis added in bold):
Fellow conservatives,
Those who are in Tampa working to maintain the influence of grassroots conservatives in the Republican Party need your help!
This past Friday, the RNC’s Convention Rules Committee voted – after several contentous votes – to change the party’s rules to allow future presidential candidates to have veto power over who can be delegates from any state – in other words, take power away from the grassroots and their ability to elect fellow conservatives as delegates.
This represents a brazen move by several Washington Beltway consultants and party insiders to diminish the power and influence of conservatives over the party. 

At least 29 members of this committee are filing Minority Reports to the full convention to try and make sure that these changes are NOT adopted into the final changes the full convention will approve on Tuesday. But we need your help to spread the word. 28 members are required to issue a minority report for the convention to even consider…and you can be sure others are working behind the scenes to peel some of them off before the meeting…so we need to create pressure for others to join!
Let me stop here and say that this is NOT…REPEAT NOT a move by a bunch of disgruntled Ron Paul supporters. This is a group of long-time conservative activists, even “party regulars” and lots of Romney supporters, many who go back to the Goldwater days.
We need to generate enough PUBLIC PRESSURE from grassroots conservatives that they will back off before Tusday’s meeting and withdraw their changes so that we can avoid the need for a minority report and floor fight [altogether].
Here’s what we need before Tuesday’s session of the convention:

1) We need all conservative Republican grassroots supporters to contact their state GOP and let them know that they OPPOSE the rules change that will give future presidential campaigns control over who gets to be a delegate (current RULE 15, but is being renumbered to 16)…and OPPOSE the new RULE 12 which allows the RNC to change the rules at any time between conventions.
2) We need them to contact any DELEGATES to the convention they may know and tell them they OPPOSE the rules change and want them to support a move on the floor to amend this change via the MINORITY REPORTS – and support a demand for a ROLL CALL VOTE if necessary.
3) We need them to contact the CONVENTION RULES COMMITTEE members for their state (each state has two) and tell them they want them to SIGN THE MINORITY REPORTS before Tuesday’s session at 2:00PM. You can find a copy of the list here.
4) Finally, we would like them to help us spread the word that this is an insider power grab by a bunch of DC Beltway types who want consultants to be able to pick who the delegates are from their respective states in the future – AS WELL AS FUTURE PLATFORM COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Post a link to this page on Facebook and Twitter…spread the word on the media…COMPLAIN. Let everyone know this is wrong, and that it is ANTI-GRASSROOTS!