
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chick-fil-A Gay Boycott Backfires on Bullies, Fascists

by: Tad Cronn
Filed under Business, Christianity, Constitution, Family, Law, Politics

In the end, all the Left’s clucking and squawking about Chick-fil-A owner Dan Cathy and the organizing of a nationwide boycott because of the company’s supposed anti-gay policies paid off big time — for Chick-fil-A and supporters of the First Amendment. As the Left’s boycotts tend to do, this one backfired in grand style, resulting in neighborhood-circling lines at Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country and record-setting profits for the company.
When Cathy first uttered support for the biblical definition of marriage — one man, one woman — he didn’t say anything that should have been the least bit controversial in a country that is still majority Christian.

But the Left in this country is so hell-bent on replacing traditional morals and has so dumbed down its own supporters, that liberals in the media and on blogs everywhere instantly swung into action, straining to interpret Cathy’s words as hate speech against gays and gay “marriage.”
In the media and on the Net, liberals concocted all sorts of phony explanations as to why Chick-fil-A, which really does just try to sell good chicken sandwiches, was akin to a Nazi death camp for gays: Chick-fil-A discriminates against gay families, Chick-fil-A won’t let gays sit in its restaurants, Chick-fil-A won’t give franchises to gays, Chick-fil-A supports American Family Association in killing gays in Uganda (an anti-conservative twofer).

All of it was nonsense, of course. Cathy holds his Christian beliefs and does expect his stores to be closed on Sundays, and he supports pro-family causes, but the company hasn’t got a discriminating bone in its chicken.
Then, when the mayors of Chicago, Boston and other burgs chimed in, threatening to use their government powers to keep Chick-fil-A from opening any restaurants in their towns, things quickly moved beyond the usual bullying of Christians.
Attempts by gay rights activists to compare Chick-fil-A to segregated lunch counters rang hollow from the beginning, but when radicals like Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno and Mayor Rahm Emanuel jumped in to chase the Bible-believing Christians out of town, it became crystal clear who the real discriminators are.
Even that champion of liberal extremism the ACLU stepped up to tell Chicago to back off. “The government can regulate discrimination in employment or against customers, but what the government cannot do is to punish someone for their words,” Adam Schwartz, ACLU senior attorney, said.

What the ACLU termed “viewpoint discrimination” was in danger of becoming something else, full-blown fascism. Because that’s what fascism is, the authoritarian use of government power to control private enterprise, crush opposition and declare who is desirable and undesirable.
And that’s why Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day on Wednesday was a soaring success and the Left’s planned counter-demonstration, a gay “kiss-in” on Friday, was mostly a bust. Across the country, some gay couples showed up to take pictures of themselves making out in front of Chick-fil-A restaurants, but if anything that just seemed to drum up more business for the chain. Except for an incident of pro-gay graffiti in Torrance, Calif., the “kiss-in” was mostly unremarkable.
In a reasonably sane world, that would be the end of the whole kerfuffle (although experience suggests it won’t be). It wasn’t about the chicken, and it sure wasn’t about hate since no gays were ever discriminated against.
What finally happened, though, is that a whole lot of previously complacent Americans realized what the Left really was cooking up for the country and instead decided to take a stand for freedom of speech and religion.
Let the liberals chew on that.

Homosexuals Demand that Chick-Fil-A Stop Serving “Gay Chicken”

Filed under Family
I must admit I don’t get around much, so I didn’t even know the reliably left-leaning Huff ’n’ Puff Post had a “Gay Voices” section. But yesterday, I read an article from there that covered a recent petition (with a whopping 1,500+ signatures!) that demanded that Chick-Fil-A be consistent with their “anti-homosexual” values and stop serving “homosexual” chicken at their restaurants. As the petition explains, some male chickens will mount other male chickens, so Chick-Fil-A cannot be consistent with their values until they make sure that none of the chicken meat they are serving comes from “homosexual” chickens. Wow. I’ve read some really, really stupid petitions in my life. But that one… Where do you even start?

First, I’m sure this petition was meant as a sort of barbed joke, but it falls squarely into the “Boom! How will you ever recover from the devastation of my cleverness?!!!!” category—a category which regularly falls far short of its intended goal. I feel bad for the people that wrote this actually. Is this really the best they can come up with?
Second, if these people actually think Chick-Fil-A is a hate-filled, anti-homosexual company, wouldn’t it be more consistent for Chick-Fil-A to serve only homosexual chickens? I mean it’s not like Chick-Fil-A sends their chickens on luxury vacations. They kill them. And then we eat them.

Third, why are homosexuals so obsessed with the fact that animals intermittently commit homosexual acts? The fact is that animals really don’t practice homosexuality per se. It’s not like any of them are exclusively attracted to the same sex. They just have no self-control. They will hump pretty much anything around if they get the notion. My dog used to hump male and female dogs, plush toys, the legs of guests, sectional sofas… you know—anything. He was a dog, after all. He ate our underwear and pooped in the hallway too. I fail to see why that matters. Animals variously engage in incest, genocide, cannibalism, pedophilia, and other socially unacceptable behaviors. If homosexuals want to legitimize their behavior by claiming that it is “only natural,” what leg do they have to stand on to condemn anything—including the so-called “intolerance” of Chick-Fil-A?

I’m frankly already very tired of this. Homosexuality is a behavior which means it involves a choice. It isn’t like race or gender. At all. So quit comparing it to the Civil Rights movement or Women’s Rights. Frankly, that degrades and insults those movements. They don’t and they didn’t involve a choice or a behavior. People don’t have to do anything to have a certain skin color. Women don’t have to act like women to be women. They just are. A homosexual is defined by a sexual behavior. If this doesn’t involve a choice then pretty much any person compelled to a certain behavior could claim he didn’t have a choice either. This would basically mean the destruction of any foundation for laws against anything—an entirely arbitrary boundary line of ethics that bobs with public opinion like a ship tossed on a stormy sea. Which kind of sounds like where we are right now.

School folds on effort to eject church group

via: WND

School officials in Miami have called off their effort to terminate a church’s agreement to lease school facilities after determining that the pastor’s expression of biblical beliefs was within the Constitution.
“The school district acknowledges the constitutional right of all persons to express themselves freely. Our firm belief is that, under the law, constitutionally protected freedom of speech for all, including those who lease our facilities, must be observed even when it may be perceived as offensive to some,” said a report from Supt. Alberto Carvalho to the school board.

“It is this obligation to protect those freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution which forms the basis of our decision,” he said.
The issue arose when Impact Miami Church Pastor Jack Hakimian preached on the biblical position on homosexuality: It’s a sin.
The Miami-Dade County Public Schools then announced it was “reviewing” its lease with the church.
The superintendent claimed then that the sermon violated the school’s anti-bullying and nondiscrimination policies.
But the non-profit legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel sent a letter to Carvalho stating that any effort to rescind a facilities usage lease with a church because of the pastor’s sermon on homosexuality would be a violation of the First Amendment.
Hakimian said, “The reason why I am dealing with [homosexuality] so much is because there is an aggressive approach by … gay theologians that says the Bible never spoke about homosexuality in a way that contemporary Christians understand it.

“It’s all over – it’s on YouTube, its on CNN, and its on ’60 Minutes.’ They are not just saying, ‘accept us’ – and I believe we should protect, and not bully, and treat all people with dignity and respect – but they are going beyond and above to change the very meaning of Scripture,” he said
Liberty Counsel said the nondiscrimination and anti-bullying policies of the Miami-Dade School Board are “not applicable” to the church situation.
“Pastor Hakimian and the church have violated no law or policy. The district cannot discriminate on the basis of his biblically sound viewpoint. Any attempt by the school board to modify, change, or revoke the lease agreement would be unconstitutional,” the organization said.
In the decision presented to the board, Carvalho appeared to reach the same conclusion.
“Earlier this month, school board members received information from a local news reporter that included allegations of anti-Semitic and anti-gay remarks allegedly made during church services held at North Miami Senior High School, which the Impact Miami Church uses under a facilities agreement with the school district,” the report said. “The school district researched the allegations and found that no anti-Semitic remarks had been made; apparently, this was an error on the part of the reporter. The school district initiated a legal review to fully understand the implications of the alleged remarks and their relationship to school board policy.”

The report said: “The legal review by the office of the school board attorney is now complete, and there will be no action on the part of the school district to terminate the contract, as long as the Impact Miami Church continues to make lease payments in advance by cashier’s check, as specified by the lease agreement, and ensure[s] that the organization’s insurance coverage remains current.”
Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said his group recently has seen stepped-up attacks against free speech.”
“It is outrageous that a public school superintendent could think he has the right to threaten revocation of a lease because of what the pastor preaches in the pulpit,” Staver said. “No public official is above the law. The First Amendment stands as a bulwark against homo-fascism.”

Chick-fil-a Protest: It’s All About Sex

Victoria Jackson braves the crowds at Chick-fil-a in Nashville, TN. Here’s what the “crazy christian conservatives” have to say.
The accusations that Mr. Cathy donated to anti-gay hate groups is a lie! Winshape, Exodus . and FRC are not "hate groups". They are Christian organizations that support biblical values and all state that the response to homosexuals should be one of love and compassion. This IS about the audacity of Mr. Cathy to publicly announce his definition of traditional marriage,"gay activists" and a couple of liberal-progressive mayors are trying to damage him because of his religious beliefs.

It's a bird,It's a's Sarah Palin..!

...campaigning for fellow strong conservative woman Sarah Steelman

With only 3 days until the next important election for the Tea Party, the race is going to be a very close one.  That is why Gov. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Express are in Missouri doing all that we can to  make sure that Steelman is victorious on Tuesday.
Yesterday, Gov. Palin was in full force, donning a Superman/Superwomen shirt, hosting a picnic for candidate Steelman.

Superwomen Sarah Palin!
According to the most recent polling conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling, Tea Party Express endorsed conservative Sarah Steelman is 6 points down but we momentum,  Sarah Palin, and you on our side.  Together we can do this and score another win for the Tea Party and conservative movement!
Fresh off the Tea Party Ted Cruz victory in Texas, we are focusing all our resources on helping conservative Sarah Steelman make up the 6 point polling deficit succeed this Tuesday  - victory is within reach!  But, we can't do this without your generous support.
Our goal is to raise enough money so that we can continue to air our "Tea Party Supports Sarah Steelman" TV ad through election day
Steelman is the best candidate to dethrone ultra liberal Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill which is key to taking control of the Senate.  Much like one of her endorsers, Sarah Palin, she has the traits of fiscal conservatism, high moral character, and strong leadership. 
With the election this coming Tuesday, we look forward to, once again, joining Gov. Palin and fighting alongside her in the political trenches in Missouri.  With polls showing the race is too close to call, we hope that we can provide the momentum that the Steelman campaign needs to put them over the top.

With all of the political world's focus on the Senate election in Texas, which resulted in Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz's victory, the Missouri race has been over-shadowed.  We are sounding the alarm that the election is this Tuesday - 3 DAYS FROM NOW!

In some respects, the Missouri U.S. Senate race is even more important as we have a shot to take out an ultra-liberal incumbent in Claire McCaskill and take control of the Senate.  While most of our staff and resources were focused on Texas, we have been concurrently running TV ads statewide in Missouri for conservative Sarah Steelman over the past week. 
We need to send representatives to Washington D.C. that recognize that our federal government has a spending problem and that take their job duties seriously.    Sarah Steelman is just that person and we need your support to help her defeat out of touch Sen. McCaskill.  Please make a contribution today.

Tea Party Express Endorsed Missouri Senate Candidate Sarah Steelman
Liberal Sen. McCaskill is vulnerable as Americans are fed up with her strong support of Pres. Obama's efforts to grow the size and control of the Federal Government in Washington.  McCaskill can not run on her record, but her large fundraising war-chest will go a long way in attacking and maligning her conservative opponent - former Missouri State Treasurer Sarah Steelman.

Sarah is the perfect candidate to replace Sen. Claire McCaskill, one of Washington’s most liberal senators and we need your support to make sure that she represents the Tea Party in Washington D.C.

Obama ally and liberal Democratic Sen. McCaskill has got to go!
One of Tea Party Express’ top priorities in 2012 is to elect a conservative majority to the U.S. Senate, and we are confident that Sarah Steelman is the candidate in Missouri best suited for the job.
Please help Sarah Steelman match the war-chest of McCaskill by making a donation to our campaign to take back the Senate - Donate Here

Clint Eastwood endorses Mitt Romney...!

Well very Good Clint...I must admit that I became a fan while in the Army..I remember seeing the Movie 'The Good The Bad and the Ugly...1968 while at my last post before ets from the Army... Camp Roberts/Hunter Ligget California!
Yes indeed flash backs ...brought forward to the present...The Good: Romney,Bachmann,West,Palin...The Bad and Ugly: Obama,Holder,Reid, and the infamous drunks Nancy Pelosi & Joe Biden...!
 Thank you for coming out of the Hollywood Closet and speaking your mind for what is right vs wrong for a guaranteed I believe most actors of today base their opins on!

#WeSupportBachmanWestPalin now the question becomes does Mitt Romney?  He had better or he is on weak ground:

Cue the song:

Allen West Unleashed: ‘Barack Obama Is Undeserving of the Title Commander-in-Chief’

by: Jason Howerton
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.)
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) posted a scathing statement on his Facebook page Friday, saying President Obama’s decision “to unleash his campaign cronies against our military is unconscionable.”
“As a retired Army officer I am appalled at the Obama administration’s actions to bring a lawsuit against the State of Ohio for the early voting privileges it extends to our Men and Women serving in uniform,” West wrote.
“To have the Commander in Chief make our US Servicemen and Women the target of a political attack to benefit his reelection actions is reprehensible. The voting privilege extended to these Warriors who represent the best among us should not be a part of the collective vision of this inept President who is more concerned about his reelection than sequestrationAs a Combat Veteran, for this President to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military is unconscionable….how dare this President compare the service, sacrifice, and commitment of those who Guard our liberties not as special and seek to compare them to everyone else. Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief.
West’s statement was in response to decision by the Obama campaign, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party, to sue the state of Ohio last month in an attempt to strike down changes in the state’s law that limit in-person early voting for some and not others.

Under the law, members of the armed forces and their families as well as civilians overseas can vote through the Monday before an election, while early voting for all other Ohio residents ends on that Friday. This is the disparity that the Obama campaign reportedly believes is “unconstitutional.”
And though the Obama campaign and the other Democratic groups do not want to eliminate the military’s early voting extension, as some outlets first reported, West argues the “collective” shouldn’t enjoy the same voting privileges as the men and women of the military.
Hot Air has more details about the Ohio voting lawsuit:
Gabriel Malor forwarded me a link to the brief, and the relevant language within it:
“WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request of this Court the following equitable relief:…
B. A preliminary and permanent order prohibiting the Defendants, their respective agents, servants, employees, attorneys, successors, and all persons acting in concert with each or any of them, from implementing or enforcing lines 863 and 864 of Sec. 3509.03 (I) in HB 224, and/or the SB 295 enactment of Ohio Revised Code § 3509.03 with the HB 224 amendments, thereby restoring in-person early voting on the three days immediately preceding Election Day for all eligible Ohio voters;”
So no, they aren’t trying to block military members from getting to the polls, but arguing that since the polls will be open anyway, everyone else should have access to them as well.  A couple of commenters think this will be a “logistical nightmare,” but the logistics aren’t really that scaleable.  Having the polls open for a few would be the same as having them open for many.  There may need to be  few more election judges, but those positions are voluntary anyway.
Some outlets initially — and incorrectly — reported that the move was an effort to disenfranchise military voters.
(h/t: Weekly Standard)

Obama's alleged slave roots

by: by Joseph Farah 
The New York Times has discovered yet another way to cheerlead the “authenticity” of the paper’s favorite presidential candidate – not just in this election, but perhaps in any election.
The “newspaper of record” managed to develop a comprehensive story that speculates Barack Obama, who claims, without substantiation, to be the son of a white mother and a Kenyan visiting student, has roots in slavery – like so many other African-Americans. 

The irony of this claim is that the slave genealogy comes not from his alleged father, but his alleged mother.
But the real irony of the story is that the public still really has no proof of who Obama’s biological parents were – since they are both dead and the only documentation put forward has been disputed by anyone and everyone who has examined it, including the only law-enforcement investigation to do so.
The findings were reported by, which concedes there is no “definitive proof” that Stanley Ann Dunham had at least one African forebear who happened to be one of the first documented African slaves in America.
What’s the point?
It can only be to boost Obama’s standing with African-American voters, demonstrating that he really is authentically “black” in the American tradition, rather than a privileged mixed race child raised largely by white grandparents.
Isn’t that pathetic?
Since when do Americans care about bloodlines like this? What difference could it possibly make that Obama may or may not have had an ancestor in the 17th century who was a slave?

It’s important to the Times because the paper will do anything – and I mean anything – to get Americans’ minds off the fact that Obama has presided over one of the most repressive and depressive four years in American history.
The Times even hired two “independent” genealogists to verify the research done by
But, even if one cares about this study, there’s a big problem with all this research – a problem so big you could sail a slave ship through it. That is simply the fact that Obama’s immediate family history is highly questionable, to say the least.
Obama is celebrating his 51st birthday this weekend, yet there is no proof he was actually born Aug. 4, 1961, as he claims.

There is serious doubt his father was actually Barack Obama, the Kenyan foreign student. There is even some question about whether his mother was truly Stanley Ann Dunham – and certainly no documented proof.
But the Times has never spent a single dime investigating the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. It has shown no interest in the fact that Obama represented himself as Kenyan-born for 17 years of his life before he became a presidential wannabe. It has shown no interest in his draft records, his Social Security number, his travel records, his health records, his student records and his personal unpublished writings. It has shown no interest in how he became an Indonesian citizen through his adoptive father, Lolo Soetoro, and then managed to regain his “natural born citizen” status – or even normal citizen status. It has shown no interest in the mentor role played in Obama’s life by Communist Frank Marshall Davis.
No, the Times is more interested in – and more certain about, apparently – an alleged ancestor from the 17th century.
No doubt the story’s copy was approved by the White House, as the New York Times revealed recently, in one of the more important and substantive stories it has published in years, that it routinely submits its copy to presidential subordinates before publishing.
As for me, it makes no difference to me whether Obama has slave roots from the 17th century.
What’s important to me is that he is making slaves out of too many Americans in the 21st century.

George Soros and the GOP RINOS Attacking Allen West

Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, BAMPAC. They have some important information to share with you. Thank you.

Dear Patriot,
Congressman Allen West is being attacked from all sides.
First, the Republican Party political establishment is trying to defeat him in Florida's GOP primary.
And now, ultra-leftist billionaire George Soros is funding a new super PAC specifically to defeat Allen.
Will you please make a special generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, $250 or more to help reelect Congressman Allen West and other true conservatives?
Allen's primary is in just a few weeks and the GOP establishment is throwing everything it has against him.
A whole lot of "moderate" Republicans want him gone because he doesn't believe that compromising with Barack Obama will help save America.
And the liberals absolutely hate Allen West because he such an outspoken and effective champion for conservative values. They will do anything and everything to defeat him this fall.
That's why BAMPAC is going all out to support our good friend. We are going to pay for phone banks, ads, mailings and whatever Allen needs in order to make sure he wins this primary and gets reelected this fall.
Just consider what Allen West is facing:
His "Republican" primary opponent, Bob Crowder, is a RINO who won't commit to repealing ObamaCare. Instead he says that he'll stop the "polarizing partisan rhetoric" surrounding the government-takeover of health care and calls Allen West "irresponsible."
His Democratic opponent, Patrick Murphy, is a big liberal who is raising money like crazy. His stated campaign strategy is to personally destroy Allen West and save ObamaCare.
Then there is this new "Dump West" super PAC.
Nancy Pelosi personally ordered it to be formed and it is being funded by leftist billionaire George Soros. The Dump West super PAC will spend millions and millions of dollars attacking Allen 24 hours a day!
No other Congressman from either political party has to combat such an onslaught.
It seems that every non-conservative political figure or organization in the country is gunning for Allen West.
So, it's up to BAMPAC to help him. BAMPAC is one of the top 25 PACs in the country. We provide the funding and other campaign support that conservative candidates need... Especially when they are under attack like Allen West.
And right now Allen West's primary is just weeks away and both the Republican and Democratic Party political establishments are throwing everything they have at Allen West.
Alvin Williams
President and CEO

Thursday, August 2, 2012

President Obama the New Caligula..?

 I have decided to address the issue of Gay Marriage and can be traced back to the Roman and Greek Empires..and as we all are aware both Empires failed the test of time..!
 Homosexuality/Pedophilia was common practice and accepted within Hitlers elite SS also... hello do we want this to begin again?

 Plato wrote that same-sex lovers were more blessed than ordinary mortals. But then he changed his mind, describing the act as 'utterly unholy' and 'the ugliest of ugly things'.

Concerning Roman homosexuality, Bruce W. Frier in a 1999 book review for Bryn Mawr Classical Review wrote:
In Rome of the early Empire, there were many men who threw off the conventions of traditional Roman manhood and instead assumed an "effeminate" appearance and manner, thereby, in the usual case, advertising their eagerness for sexual encounters with other males. These were the "softies" (molles), the cinaedi. Their numbers cannot even be guessed, but, in a city of a million persons, they might easily have numbered in the tens of thousands; Juvenal saw them flocking into Rome on every available transport (9.130-133)....The Apostle Paul...adduces overt homosexual behavior as his chief example of the capital's decadence (Romans 1.26-27).[1]
Nathaniel Blake wrote concerning Roman homosexuality:
The Roman Empire has often been portrayed as possessing a moral tolerance of homosexuality, and there is some truth in this. But, the Roman conception of same-sex relationships was very different than that of the modern West. The most important factors in the Roman view seem to have been the status and role of the partners. The Romans did not consider homosexual or heterosexual identities as exclusive from one another. While bisexuality was common, strict homosexuality was all but unknown.
Unlike the modern view, social class mattered a great deal in the acceptability of homosexual relations. The upper classes were much more likely to indulge in homosexual acts, and masters had the sexual use of their slaves. But homosexual relations between freeborn Romans were regarded as disgraceful....
There was no equality between the sexes in regard to homosexual acts. While subject to certain strictures, male homosexuality was tolerated in many cases. Lesbianism, however, was much less common and seems to have been universally considered as reprehensible.
Finally, many of the differences between the imperial Roman view of homosexuality and the modern perception of it can be traced to the rise of Christianity. Christian views shaped the West for almost two millennia, suffusing the perspectives even of those who now reject its sexual morals....
Today, little to no distinction is made between partners or the sex of homosexual couples. Many of these differences can be traced to the influence of Christian views on Western culture.
In addition, Nathaniel Blake states that in Roman homosexuality the "preservation of a man’s masculinity" was predicated upon his taking the masculine role in every sexual encounter and that "the slur was to have taken on the woman’s role in such acts."
Being of the Christian belief it is written that homosexuality is a abomination in the eyes of God (Plato also) one either believes in the writings or was also written in the Holy Book to not add to nor take away from  the writings...!

So now let's look at the scientific approach to homosexuality...there is no magic bullet called a 'gene' that would add credence to the 'Gay Mafia' claim that one is born that way..the only exception would be  the rare case of being born a 'hermaphrodite'~having both sexual parts~this would be the only true definition of being a 'born' homosexual!...on the contrary one is born male or female...even if one does not want to accept the Christian belief one must consider Natures Plan...males were given the parts to enter the female womb for the act of one can argue that 'God' or 'Mother Nature' created the 'pleasure' so this act would take place.

Since there is absolutely no scientific proof that one is 'Born' homosexual...the only logical conclusion is the behavior is could also come to the conclusion that it is nothing more nor nothing less than sexual immaturity/ultimate masturbation and or a simple different than shoe,golden showers,foot,S&M or any other weird fetish...none of which is worthy of the act of marriage

So for the looney left and the Gay Mafia to rant /rave accuse and call those who disagree with their immature lifestyle as being haters and or bigots...just shows how immature they really are, which leads to the conclusion of resting ones case against all this nonsense...Most people could care less what consenting adults do in private...but to take it to the level of being natural and normal behavior worthy of marriage rights takes it beyond the pale!

Hate me if you want..I just call em' like I see em'! I don't hate Homosexuals nor would I ever be mean to them...I just disagree with their trying to force their private habits on others!

Harry Reid's Real Estate Investing Plan (Reid's Unethical, Corrupt Land Deals Flashback)

Oped: Jack

Harry are about as sleazy as they used dirty tactics on all your campaigns..from day one forward..oh and you were a lousy boxer...a wimp...who only won because your silly bouts were fixed..get a grip Harry you know down deep the fraud you are...God will be the ultimate Judge on this are way into the Golden Years now!
Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2010 12:39:05 AM by Qbert 
How you can make millions by having Dirty Harry “do nothing” on your behalf? Order now and receive free bonus gift: “Clerical Errors” for Fun and Profit!
Are you stuck in a dead end job so boring that you spend all day at work surfing the web reading witty political commentary? Are you tired of investments that depend on unreliable “market forces” for their returns? Haven’t you always dreamed of a way to make money that was as automatic as the creeping bureaucracy that afflicts our nation’s cash flow like fiscal atherosclerosis?
Well dream no more, friend, because today I am going to let you in on one of the great secrets of American business (and the mainstream media): The Harry Reid Do-Nothing Miracle Investment System! Through this system, you can sit back and watch the cash roll in from questionable desert real estate investments with the sort of reliability that only government can provide. The system is as simple as it is hidden through shell corporations, nepotism and political contributions. Yes, there are just three easy steps to mogul-like millions in Las Vegas real estate:
Find a parcel of land made undesirable by government environmental regulation, utility leases, or simple pesky zoning!
Hire a Reid, invest with a Reid, contribute to a Reid, but above all, know a Reid! Be patient while Sen. Harry “Papa” Reid does NOTHING UNUSUAL on your behalf and watch those government barriers to wealth melt away! Got a stupid endangered tortoise on your worthless land? Let Harry Reid show the BLM a real “shell game” as that value-killing protected habitat is inexplicably moved miles away!
(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Obama’s Marxist Ideology is Showing Again

Wendy’s: Intolerant of Free Speech in Support of Chick-Fil-A

Obama Wants Your Beer Money!

The Obama campaign is desperate. Actually that is an understatement. They have already requested that people send their mothers a Mother’s Day Card about Obamacare, have their wedding guests send money to his campaign on behalf of the bride and groom and now lo and behold, the campaign sinks to new depths. Obama Tweeted requesting that you send that $5 you were going to spend on a beer or other adult beverage to his campaign. After all, it’s to “help this campaign win.”

Have you ever in your life seen such a ridiculous means of trying to obtain campaign money in your life? I don’t think even Bill Clinton did anything like this while campaigning.

But since Barack Obama has shown himself to not be a president of substance, it’s not unusual I suppose for him to slip into the used car salesman mode or worse yet the “Wimpy” mode from Popeye and gladly “pay you next term for your beer money this term.” While they had hoped they would raise $1 billion, it seems now they aren’t even going to make the drastically slashed amount of $750 million. While he has been running around the country and using every opportunity to fund raise, I’m guessing that he had hoped that his homosexual friends would come through a bit more in support. Sure he raised millions in Hollywood, drank some champagne and endorsed homosexual “marriage,” but I guess Obama didn’t do the math on the actual amount of people who support his “vision for America.”
I don’t know if we should keep an eye on the Treasury. After all, he’s tossed billions out the window on wasteful, unfruitful stimulus money, I wouldn’t be surprised to find him dipping his own hand in the cookie jar to make up for lost campaign funds.
One thing is for sure, Obama is doing so poorly that he donated $5,000 of his own money to his own campaign. Maybe he should try reinventing the Trayvon Martin hoodie into the James Holmes Orange wig and see if he can get some sales on that?

Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting


While Barack Obama and the Democrats like to give lip service to our men and women in uniform, it’s what they do they betrays their rhetoric. He likes to get his picture with troops even though behind closed doors they are giving him the finger and sleeping during his speeches. This all makes things quite interesting when both the Obama campaign and the Democrat party are suing to restrict the military’s ability to vote in the upcoming election. reports,
On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state’s law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is “arbitrary” with “no discernible rational basis.”

Currently, Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as “arbitrary” and having “no discernible rational basis”, I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women’s time and their obligations to their sworn duty.
The National
Defense Committee reports:
[f]or each of the last three years, the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.

So now we see the Democrat playbook come out again. We see the praise of the lips while they drive the knife into the back of our service men and women that they are using abroad in unconsitutional wars. While I disagree with Mike Flynn that they “have more right to vote than the rest of us,” I emphatically agree that they have the right to vote and that right should be defended by those of us at home.
While Republicans have been battling for Voter ID laws, maybe they should include in that battle protection of the military’s vote. While all of this is beneath
We all know what is coming in November. The race will probably be close and this is the Chicago style thuggery of applying pressure where the Democrats can in order to cheat in the elections. Make no mistake about it, attempts to restrict the military’s vote is an attempt at voter fraud.

Epic Liberal fast Food chain Fails..!

Bare with me folks having writers block today...must be suffering from a Liberal Swine Flu Virus attack gonna do the old Pictures worth a Thousand word routine.. Ok Ok so I am bored...Sue me ~The liberals answer to everything! LOL



Alrighty then I am done,nothing more to see here... move on down the road>

Flight Through Monument Valley Utah/Az Border

Monument Valley is a great vacation get away for those who like open spaces and back to nature adventure...Ultra Light camping or Horse back is a very enjoyable way to see this magnificent Valley..!

By Horseback:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

This sums up my feelings about the Far Left Loons..!

I for one have had enough of the far left Loons..#Obamka #Billmarkers (Maher) #Gaymafiaosa et al..I for one am about ready to kick some Royal Ass! Enough is enough folks..I refuse to be bullied about you?

Cue the song: 

A Picture and song worth more than a thousand Liberal

#WeSupportBachmannWestPalin >

John Wayne on liberals ..A trip down memory Lane..!

Listen up Pilgrims of the Hollywood Now...maybe ya will learn sumpin' from a real Star...who had and spoke real values..todays Stars are just plain drugged out Goofballs!

Bill Maher Calls GOP 'Party of the Apes' As He Attacks Allen West

Oped: Jack
Well since most Progressive Liberals failed reading Comprehension 101 ..let me address the issue simply with a picture comparison:
Bill Maher

LTC Allen West: 

That pretty much sums it for the article:
By Tim Graham 
HBO's political talk star Bill Maher (the million-dollar Obama super-PAC backer) took to his blog to trash black Rep. Allen West in the same article in which he called the GOP the “Party of the Apes.” Don’t think Maher isn’t trying to draw attention to himself by being edgy. Last November, he used the same "rise of the apes" language on ABC in reference to Mitt Romney and Herman Cain.
Maher asserted “the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horse---t and anyone who has paid attention to politics over the last 20 years knows it. Or as I like to call it, ‘The Rise of the Party of the Apes.’” Naturally, Maher is honoring the alleged centrists Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann: “they basically say, flat out, what I say every week: it’s the Republicans who are crazy.” Maher pounded away:
But it reminded me of something Barney Frank recently said: “…people have said to me, well, why can't you work things out with the Republicans, and my answer to my friends has been: Exactly on what issues do you think Michele Bachmann and I can compromise?” Basically Barney is saying, look, how do you expect me to work on the 2+2=4 bill when their side believes math is a liberal plot to turn your kid queer?

Take Dick Lugar. Who was always a staunch conservative, just not the modern-day insane variety. He was just throttled in the Republican Senate primary in Indiana by a Tea Party guy named Richard Mourdock. And after Mourdock won he said this about working with the other side: “I certainly think bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view.” Which is sort of like saying to your girlfriend, “I think both our sexual needs will best be fulfilled by you blowing me.”

Or take Allen West. Seriously, take him to the padded cell and give him 20 CCs of the high test. Ornstein and Mann start off their Post op-ed by noting that recently Rep. Allen West said that there are “78 to 81” Democrats in Congress who are members of the Communist Party. And not one Republican said, “Allen, come on. You’re making us look dumb.” Not one of the Republican candidates for president said anything. Because in today’s Republican Party, that’s not even edgy anymore. They probably saw him later on and were like, “Word, Allen. Word.” Because that’s how they think black people talk. There were some on the right who denounced West’s remarks (like Steve Chapman of the Chicago Tribune). West’s remarks did make conservatives look intellectually shoddy, which is when liberal bloggers like it best. But for Maher to denounce Republican candidates for failing to speak up would be like expecting Obama and other Democrats to distance themselves from Bill Maher after a million-dollar donation to an Obama super PAC. Maher’s outrage looks a little silly.

Apparently, every time Maher smears a Republican, Obama says “Word, Bill, word.” Because that’s how Maher thinks conservatives think blacks talk.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad Endorsed Obama?

Romney’s Trip Has Been So Successful Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Endorsed Obama.Now the reporters are harassing Romney. They’re trying to create gaffes. They’re working on behalf of Barack Obama. They are attempting to carry forth the meme that Romney’s foreign trip is a disaster, that it’s one gaffe after another. They’re trying to do this in the mainstream. And the fact of the matter is Romney is having a home run of a trip. He is having a grand slam. He is doing such a good job that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually came out, and for all intents and purposes, endorsed Obama yesterday. Romney’s over in Israel and he makes an obvious truthful statement. He’s been doing that a lot on this trip. Talked about the Palestinians versus the Israelis. Palestinian economy, Israeli economy. (paraphrasing) “Well, there’s a cultural difference here. There’s a clear reason why the Israeli economy is vastly superior. It’s cultural.”

All hell broke loose. A spokesman for the Palestinians: “That’s racism. That is out and out racism.” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad joins in, criticizing Romney. Didn’t mention his name, but there was nobody else he could have been talking about. So effectively, the grand pooh-bah of Iran, working with the permission of the mullahs, has come out against Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney. So effectively a Barack Obama endorsement, which is nothing new. This all happened during 2008, all these foreign dictators supporting Obama, ripping into McCain and so forth. I mean, you couldn’t tell the difference. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would criticize America. You listened to a Democrat criticize America. It sounded the same, word-for-word.
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Palin Fires Back at Cheney

But your response to Dick Cheney?
PALIN: Well, seeing as how Dick — excuse me, Vice President Cheney never misfires, then evidently, he’s quite convinced that what he had evidently read about me by the lamestream media having been written what I believe is a false narrative over the last four years, evidently, Dick Cheney believed that stuff, and that’s a shame. So he characterized me as being a mistake.
Here’s where the mistake would have been, Greta, I believe. It’s had I not answered the call — I was honored to get to run for Vice President of the United States alongside Senator John McCain. I was honored to accept the nomination from the GOP.

And I think that the mistake would have been me just deciding that, Hey, I love my 86, 87 percent approval rating up there in Alaska as the governor, moving and shaking and watching corrupt politicians and businessmen go to prison for crony capitalism, working on 16 to 20 percent of domestic energy supplies being able to be increased via Alaska’s resource development, ethics reform legislation that I was working on — that led to that 86 percent approval rating.

I could have decided, you know, I don’t want to be bloodied up. I don’t want my family to go through what we will have to go through in order to put ourselves forward in the name of service to this country. But I did it. It would have been a mistake to have hunkered down, just lived that luxurious, if you will, comfortable lifestyle in Alaska.
Instead, we, like so many other people across this country, decided we will do all that we can in order to defend our republic, put America back on the right track. And I believe I did the right thing in accepting that call.

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