
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Eligibility appeal seeks level election playing field

A man who was on the American Independent Party’s presidential ticket in California in 2008 as well as a certified elector for the party have asked a full panel of a federal appeals court to hear their claim that Barack Obama wasn’t qualified to be president, stacking the election unfairly against qualified candidates.
In the case, that a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently determined that election fraud suspected in the campaign essentially became moot when Obama was inaugurated 

The lawsuit was filed on the day of Obama’s inauguration. Obama flubbed the oath of office, and the White House reported he retook it in private later.
The case represents the work of two groups of plaintiffs, one led by lawyer Orly Taitz and the other by attorney Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation.
The petition for a rehearing of the full bench was filed today by Kreep on behalf of his clients. Taitz earlier told WND her plaintiffs will pursue further action but which step would be taken was as yet unclear.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sheriff Joe to Eric Holder: ‘Prove it!’

Maverick Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is challenging the Obama administration’s Department of Justice to present evidence to back its charge that his office is discriminating against Hispanics.
“Prove it,” Arpaio said in remarks directed at Holder in an interview with WND

“If Eric Holder has evidence that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has engaged in systematic violations of the civil rights of Hispanic, then show me the evidence,” Arpaio said.
Arpaio contends that the 22-page complaint the Department of Justice released Dec. 15 against his office was nothing more than anecdotal and didn’t prove there are systematic sheriff’s department policies aimed at depriving Hispanics in Maricopa County of their civil rights.
Nor was Arpaio concerned that the DOJ might take him and his sheriff’s department to federal court.
“If the Justice Department wants to take me to court, I’m ready,” Arpaio said.
Arpaio was responding to a statement emailed today to WND in which the DOJ threatened to go to court immediately rather than show Arpaio’s office and the U.S. public the evidence it claims to have. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Help Stop Obama From Another 4 Un-Constitutional Years

What is the Obama State Ballot Challenge?

Occupy White House: Help Stop Obama From Another 4 Un-Constitutional Years

This is a national call to action to help ensure Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution is upheld by stopping Obama from getting back in the White House for another 4 un-Constitutional years. The Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 project was created to help organize and report on the Herculean effort to keep Obama off the Presidential election ballot in 2012 because he does not meet the Constitutional standard of Natural Born Citizen that was established by Minor v. Happersett, and because of his massive fraud crimes committed before and during his tenure in the White House.
We need your help now! Challenges can be filed in the primary season. You can file your own complaint with your state without hiring a attorney and without any cost. We are working on providing a generic example complaint that you can use for reference. Please go to the Contact page and email the Director Pamela Barnett if you can file a complaint in your state. See if we have election law on your state by clicking on your state page above. See the Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 page of this website for more details.
The first ballot challenge is ongoing in New Hampshire and citizens have additionally filed ballot challenges in Georgia, Hawaii, Tennessee, Arizona, and Alabama, and many more are in the works. We need to challenge Obama in all 50 states many times. More news to come soon on new ballot challenges and a new partnership that could provide legal resources to citizen voters filing complaints. Join our campaign to stop Obama in 2012 by filing a ballot complaint or volunteering to help with advertising our effort to recruit more people to file complaints.
We do this because we are a nation of laws, and the political ruling class has failed to uphold the law regarding Obama's usurpation. We do it for God, country, and family.... and for justice. We will also fight against any non Natural Born Republican that appears on the Presidential ballot. This is not a political initiative, it is about respecting the Constitution. 

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

Deja vu Carter anyone?

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic
After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.
Instead, the US military will lose up to half a million troops and will focus on countering terrorism and meeting the new challenges of an emergent Asia dominated by China. America, the President said, was "turning the page on a decade of war" and now faced "a moment of transition". The country's armed forces would in future be leaner but, Mr Obama pointedly warned both friends and foes, sufficient to preserve US military superiority over any rival – "agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats".

Forbes: Rick Perry Can Still Mount a Comeback !

Former presidential candidate and Forbes magazine editor Steve Forbes tells Newsmax.TV that Texas Gov. Rick Perry is off to a fresh start and “can put this thing back together.”

Perry tweeted this morning that his campaign was focusing on South Carolina, saying "Here we come!" after telling supporters he would return to Texas to reassess his campaign following his disappointing fifth-place finish in Iowa on Tuesday.

“I’m delighted that the governor is staying in the race,” Forbes told Newsmax.TV on Wednesday. “They’re going to regroup. He’s going to do both debates in New Hampshire this weekend and then spend the rest of the time in South Carolina.”

Read more on Forbes: Rick Perry Can Still Mount a Comeback
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

‘Resign now’ protest against Sheriff Joe fizzles

Randy Parraz, the activist-attorney who WND reported has publicly targeted Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Apraio in a politically motivated campaign to force him to resign, staged a poorly attended protest Wednesday morning at the sheriff’s downtown Phoenix office.
Parraz posted on his Facebook page details of what he called the “Sheriff Arpaio Special Action”, calling for protesters to assemble in downtown Phoenix in the lobby of the Wells Fargo building at the corner of Washington and 1st Avenue.

“Please dress professionally,” Parraz cautioned protest participants. “Citizens will define what it means for MCSO (Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office) to cooperate with Dept. of Justice. Please invite others to attend.”
Arpaio, under fire for a Justice Department report claiming his office discriminates against Hispanics, plans to release results next month of his Cold Case Posse’s investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 ballot.
Witnesses reported to WND that, at most, 10 to 12 protesters attended the event, including what appeared to be several members of the “Occupy Phoenix” movement, who carried signs that referred to the movement’s “99 Percent” theme.
The handful of protesters were almost outnumbered by the news media covering the event, including news photographers who followed the protesters with hand-held video cameras.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New York City Denies Second Amendment Rights

He had a valid concealed carry permit from his home state of Indiana. He also had the rights given to him under the Second Amendment. No matter, the security officer called police and Jerome spent the next two days in jail. “The 28-year-old with no criminal history now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison. If convicted, his sentence could be as high as fifteen years.”
He brought the gun for protection since he was traveling with $15,000 worth of jewelry that he planned to sell. Certainly a rational decision, given the crime rate in New York City and stories like the U.S. Marine veteran who was shot three times when a Craigslist transaction went bad.
In December of 2011, Tennessee nurse Meredith Graves noticed a “no guns” sign at the World Trade Center site in New York City and asked where she could leave her weapon. Like Jerome, she was arrested and faces similar charges. Mayor Bloomberg claims that she was in possession of cocaine. It seems that what the police found was BC Powder, an over-the-counter pain reliever that is sold exclusively in the South.
“Also in December 2011, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler was arrested after attempting to check a pistol — for which he has a California concealed carry permit — at a New York airport.”
Gun deaths have declined in New York City, while killings involving knives have increased 50 percent. The issue isn’t guns or knives but people who use guns and knives. In a 25 year period, New York City has had more than 15,000 murders – 2245 in 1990 alone – while Kennesaw, Georgia, had 1.

Sheriff Joe targeted for ouster

Just as famed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is preparing to release results of his investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 ballot, a top-gun activist who led a successful campaign to recall a key Arpaio ally is now targeting the sheriff himself.
In the coming weeks, it will be decided whether transplanted radical attorney-activist and “community organizer” Randy Parraz can force Arpaio to resign before the sheriff’s Cold Case Posse has a chance to deliver a report in FebruarParraz, who has made his career applying Saul Alinsky-style community organizer tactics for radical leftist movements in the U.S. and Canada, has told WND that Arpaio “has to go.”
Arpaio’s response: “No way will I resign,” he told WND. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breaking! Georgia Court to Hear Natural Born Citizen Case vs Obama

The liberty Legal Foundation has announced that the case pending in Georgia, challenging Obama’s eligibility, has been ACCEPTED.
This is great news considering Obama and his team of attorneys had been actively trying to have this case DENIED!!
The Georgia court in agreeing to hear the case could well be setting the stage for other states in which quite similar cases are pending. Arizona and Tennessee both have such cases waiting right now.
This case, in Georgia, deals specifically with the Natural Born Citizen issue.
In a previous article, we brought up the Minor vs Happersett case from 1875 in which the Supreme Court defined a NBC as one who has 2 parents which were citizens at the time of the subject’s birth. We also cited 3 other cases in which the Supreme Court, previous to the Minor case, said the same thing.
Since Obama’s father, at the time of Barack’s birth, was not a U.S. citizen, nor did he ever become one, according to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1875…Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.
If not a NBC…then, according to the Constitution, Obama is ineligible to serve as President.

Rick Perry Compares Beating Obama to Defeating the Nazis

With a sense of history on the biggest political day — to date — of the 2012 cycle, Texas Gov. Rick Perry today compared the GOP’s quest to defeat President Barack Obama to one of the deadliest battles of the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944.
“This election is about stopping a president of the United States and his administration that is abusing the Constitution of this country, that is putting America on a track to bankruptcy,” Perry told a hotel ballroom packed with more than 200 volunteers.
“It is a powerful moment in Americans’ history, and you are on the front lines,” he added. “This is Concord. This is Omaha Beach. This is going up the hill realizing that the battle is worth winning.”
Several of his early backers have made the journey to frigid Iowa for the governor’s final push. South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal are among the allies on hand. 

I must admit Rick has a point here...being that The Nazi SS was made up primarily of homosexuals...Obamas LGBT agenda follows closely with the SS agenda!

Obama to Win 2012 Election by Hook or by Crook...!

Democrats are resorting to desperate measures to try to insure a 2012 victory for Barak Obama and I believe the expression ‘by hook or by crook’ best describes their methods.
Like many of you, I love to go fishing.  I’ve fished many different ways for a number of different types of fish, but always with the same objective, to hook them and reel them in.  I have used various baits from worms, to corn to dough balls and chicken liver to fish with a bobber.  I’ve bass fished using a variety of different lures with the best results being lures my dad made.  Most of all, I enjoy fly fishing as there is more finesse involved in landing your catch.
And all of this reminds me of politics and the use of some kind of bait to lure in the voter.  Once the voter takes the bait by casting their vote, they’re stuck with the consequences and in the case of the Democrats of late, those consequences are much like caught fish, because you end up being devoured by the one that caught you.
As for the crook aspect, there can be no doubt that democrats are doing whatever they can to steal the election for Obama.

Egypt Proving to be Sign of Obama’s Failing Foreign Policies !

For thirty years, Egypt was rule by Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak.  He assumed control of the ancient nation upon the assassination of Egypt’s third president, Anwar El Sadat.
During his reign as Egypt’s fourth president, Mubarak was known for his strict and harsh dealings with any opposition.  His dictatorial rule led to the civilian revolt earlier this year.  The Obama administration supported the revolt and offered aid to the new ruling force running the nation.
Interestingly, Mubarak had outlawed the militant group known as the Muslim Brotherhood.  They are now part of the ruling committee that the Obama administration is supporting even though this organization has openly condemned the US and anything that represents the US.
The success of Obama’s foreign policy in Egypt was evident this week as Egyptian police raided several American based non-profit groups, along with several Egyptian civil rights groups.  Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) entered the offices of the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute and Freedom House, where they seized computers including personal laptops and files.  Some workers were detained inside the offices for hours after the raids.  All three of the non-profit groups receive US funding as they carry out their work helping Egyptians with their civil rights.

Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cop

In the introduction to the multi-section document, Obama explains that he’s already instructed agencies “engaged abroad” to start “taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere.”
Specifically, his plan is to try to intervene in other nation’s where the homosexual lifestyle choice is at risk. That would happen through U.S. government’s agencies that would “strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct.”
Further, special access to the United States needs to be provided to any “LGBT” person, Obama explains.
“In order to improve protection for LGBT refugees and asylum seekers at all stages of displacement, the Departments of State and Homeland Security shall enhance their ongoing efforts to ensure that LGBT refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protection and assistance,” Obama wrote.
He explained that federal workers must be trained to help LGBT members in their desires.
 by Bob Unruh

35 terror training camps now operating inside U.S.

WASHINGTON – A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation, but the U.S. government refuses to include the organization on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorists.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as “Muslims of America,” has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting “the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare.”
In a recruitment video captured from Gilani’s “Soldiers of Allah,” he states in English: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.”
Though Gilani and his organization is suspected of committing assassinations and firebombings inside the U.S., and is also suspected of the beheading murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, the terrorist camps spread through the country continue to expand in numbers and population.

Obama’s War on U.S. Energy

The Iowa caucuses tell us that the campaign season is now upon us. While we focus on the Republican candidates, there will likely only be one Democratic candidate for president. If you still need a reason to defeat Obama in 2012 consider his administration’s intense effort to deprive America of the energy it needs to function and compete in the world.
If a foreign nation had launched an attack on America to destroy its coal-fired plants, to shut down its coal mines, and to thwart its ability to drill for oil and natural gas, we would be at war with it.
Obama is at war with America. Between the waste of billions squandered on “Green” energy and the attacks on all aspects of the energy industries in America, the one reason to defeat Obama is your ability to turn on the lights, turn on your computer, and ensure that American business and industry has the energy necessary to exist and compete.

Monday, January 2, 2012

PTSD..Vets go crazy..WTH....!

Ok I have just about had it...My Dad...Uncles all served WWII and Korea...My older brother,younger brother myself and all my friends served during the Vn era...over 50,000 soldiers were KIA ...over 1.5 m... served...and once in awhile when a Vet goes bonkers and does something terrible...they MSM et al try to connect this to PTSD and say War makes  Soldiers nut cases...gimme a break all in my family history who served in WWII,Korea and yes Vn all came home and went on to productive careers after service...I'm sure some from WWII the  Korean war to include the Vn  war...went nutty...but they are far and few between...just as I suspect the ME veterans are...this  crap has to stop...Veterans for the most part get over their experiences and move on to a productive life...this politics as usual as per Ron Paul et al must cease and desist...if one would do the research... far more non Vets go on and do terrible things in their life!

Just one mans opine ...comments for debate accepted...just be honest and show proof/links for your diatribe against or for my opine!

The Year in Obama Scandals — And Scandal Deniers

With 2011 drawing to a close, it is time to account. As an early-and-often chronicler of Chicago-on-the-Potomac, I am amazed at the stubborn and clingy persistence of President Barack Obama’s snowblowers in the media. See no scandal, hear no scandal, speak no scandal.
Dartmouth College professor Brendan Nyhan asserted in May — while Operation Fast and Furious subpoenas were flying on Capitol Hill — that “one of the least remarked upon aspects of the Obama presidency has been the lack of scandals.” Conveniently, he defines scandal as a “widespread elite perception of wrongdoing.”
So as long as left-wing Ivy League scribes refuse to perceive something to be a scandal — never mind the actual suffering endured by the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, whose death came at the hands of a Mexican cartel thug wielding a Fast and Furious gun walked across the southern border under Attorney General Eric Holder’s watch — there is no scandal!
Self-serving much?

Perry, Bachmann Head to South Carolina After Iowa

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann plan to make their next — and possibly last — stands in South Carolina instead of chasing the rest of the GOP presidential pack to New Hampshire.
Neither candidate is a sure bet to survive past Tuesday’s leadoff Iowa caucuses. But both say they’ll jump ahead to the first Southern state to vote, a recognition that they have little hope of making up ground in the nine days before New Hampshire’s primary.

‘Gay’ indoctrination in bull’s-eye of new campaign

A California state law scheduled to be enacted Jan. 1 is in the bull’s-eye of a new campaign that would rescind its most egregious effects.
SB48, approved by the California legislature in 2011 and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, mandates that all children from kindergarten through 12th grade in all “instruction” be taught to admire “the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.”
Critics have said children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality and same-sex “marriages” and to support the political activism of so-called “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning” (LGBTIQ) political groups.